It’s been 4 days i dont know what it is and what to do
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I am posting this discussion out of scare because I have some type of crater developing on my penis shaft and I have no idea if this is skin cancer or STD or infection. It started about 4 days ago the first 2-3 days my pee went from painful to fine again. When I checked day after day it would go looking from a open wound you would have if someone scratched off skin, the crater shape holes hurt due to friction between the crater shaped wound and my underwear.) so far i have 4 around my shaft, I once saw very small amount of clear mucous discharge but no bleeding or other discharges.
Thank you for your time in advance.
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kim12266 Bikelife_Quan
sounds like syphilis
or herpes id get tested
Hugo0620 kim12266
How could you say it sounds like syphilis? Just because of the crater?
Hugo0620 Bikelife_Quan
It is better if you could upload the picture.
kim12266 Hugo0620
syphilis craters and also they produce a clear discharge also herpes does aswel although that dosnt cause a crater