It's been 6 weeks today

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since my last drink. For some reason it's all I have tought about today," just one bottle of wine". I know it wouldn't stop there so I didn't. I feel tired all the time have a good couple of days then all I want to do is lay on the couch.

Anyone ells have this problem?

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10 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi sue, congratulations !!! You are doing really fantastically well...

    This phase will pass I promise xx I have been well for 12 yrs...and I now

    Love waking up every morning......just keep positive...however on the off chance that you do have a slip...please, please don't beat yourself up

    About it, just pick yourself up and start again...( I had many slip ups )...

    You can do this and it will change your WHOLE future........

    I wish you all the luck in the my thoughts xx

    Sincere regards to you sue.......DEIRDRE xxx

  • Posted

    Deire said it Sue!! Well done and keep going! Give yourself a treat and somehting really special; i.e. food, meal, cinema trip or whatever your fancy. My 2 yrs plus and very happy without any booze. You deserve a medal!!
    • Posted

      Thank you Robin

      Did you have problems with just no energy?

  • Posted

    Well done Sue . That really is amazing news . You are bound to feel that way sometimes . Youve come this far , try and keep strong and carry on forward . Ive taken the easier option and cutting down but Im so proud that I only have less than twp glasses of white diluted for about three weeks  now. I find this works for me !

    Just keep posting on here when you need support

    Take care xx

  • Posted

    Hi Sue,

    Congratulations on doing so well. You should be proud of yourself.

    I don't if this helps, or if anyone else has experience of it, but I've recently found a supplement called Kuduzu, that is supposed to help with alcohol cravings. I've read up about it and in studies it's been found to be very successful. With around 83% of users finding a reduction in cravings for alcohol. 

    Ive only being taking it for 2 days, but (I don't know if this is a coincidence or not) but last night I went to the theatre and during the interval my friends went to the bar for a drink, and it didn't even cross my mind to want an alcoholic drink. Which I must say is a first for me - normally I would secretly be wanting a glass of wine and it would have been a struggle to say no. But I can honestly say that the thought didn't even cross my mind.

    As I said, it might just be coincidence but at this point I'm thinking it might be the supplement working? Either way, it's got to be worth a try?

    you can get it at most health food stores and it's not expensive.


    • Posted

      LIZ,  IHAD THE SAME EXPERIENCE you did on kudzu even on the first day of taking it and it is making me feel fantastic.  i couldn't stop drinking wiyhout intense cravings until i found this.  i kinda of wanted to see what happened if i had a beer yesterday and drank it and felt my mood go way down no buzz at all.  Kind of upset it ruined my high.  it took me an hour to drink it.  Definitly didn't want anymore at all!!!!  
  • Posted

    Thank you all

    Liz most doctors dont believe in natural remidies. Years ago they wanted to take my gullbladder out, I went to a natural path against my doctors wishes, he gave me a natural remidie for it 2 weeks later the pain was gone and no more swelling. I called the hospital and cancelled my surgery. I have alot of faith in natural remedies. But saying that you must make sure you know what your doing, you can do harm to yourself if you mix with certain other meds. I dont realy have a craving for alcohol its all in my mind just the thought of having it apeals to me.

    The biggest issue I am having is just no energy, I find myself just wanting to do nothing. It really sucks. I push myself but i dont seem to get very fare sad 

  • Posted

    It's quite normal, Sue. This is the problem with alcohol addiction. It doesn't matter how long you stay off, there will be days like that.

    Congratulate yourself for your achievement so far though! You are doing really well.

  • Posted

    Thank you Paul

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