It's been a year since my total hysterectomy and having chest pains
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It's been a year since my total hysterectomy and about 2 months ago I started having chest discomfort and pains. My left shoulder blade hurts sometimes and my arms and hands will become numb and tingly sometimes. I sometimes get a burning across my chest too. Most pain is on the left side but sometimes will be on the right too. It seems to have just come on once a year had rolled around to having my hysterectomy. I've been to the ER several times. Xray shows heart is good and so do the EKG s I've had. Was wondering if anyone else has gone thru this.
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angie58226 kristin1161969
Hi Kristen, all those same symptoms have happened to me after my hysterectomy as well. Mostly my left shoulder blade. The pain will go right through to my chest. I’ve been to the hospital and Dr. Have had all the tests and everything is fine. Don’t get caught up in the scary thoughts, it’s all part of this crazy ride. 😉
kristin1161969 angie58226
Posted trying not too. But it's hard not to since I've never went thru something like this before. Did you take anything to help with the symptoms or just ride it out? I guess I need to go and have my hormone levels checked. I use an estrogen I dont know. Just want to feel normal again.
Pra_Adoni kristin1161969
I too have tingly, numb hands very often, and actually that is more scary for me because I have read that if you ignore nerve damage, then it can be permanent.
I am wondering if any of the others have similar experiences with numb/tingly hands along with pain in shoulders...
But that being said, its part of the roller coaster that we are on. I for one am ready to get off...
kristin1161969 Pra_Adoni
Hi.....yes it is scary. You do all the readings on this stuff and heart attack come
s up alot. It feels like pleurisy pains....which I've had numerous times I know it's not that. This part of lide sucks. I have an 8 year old daughter and this keeps me from doing things with her. I hope it ends soon.
Guest kristin1161969
kristin1161969 Guest
Posted should blade pain is like yours. Feels like it radiates back and forth. I get headaches alot more too. It's just scary. I hope it gets better soon.
Guest kristin1161969
It is very scary. I went to no less than 10 doctors to figure out what was wrong with me. I was very very ill with so many awful symptoms. This made anxiety high, so not even sure if some of my symptoms weren't anxiety related. I never had anxiety issues before. It's been a year and half since I hit rock bottom. Things are starting to ease up a bit. I still feel ill every day, but not as bad as I did. I think it takes your body a long time to adjust to the drop in sex hormones and adjust the other hormones like cortisol and adrenaline. And boy, can it make you feel like death. I kept thinking, how could hormones alone make you feel like this? Thank goodness for this forum, otherwise I'd still be thinking I had some awful disease (still think I do sometimes, but know I've been scanned to kingdom come). My new thing is thinking maybe root canals led to this after reading an article about it causing all kinds of bad stuff. I need to stay off the internet. haha!
I hope it gets better for you soon too, just don't fall into the anxiety trap that I did, it just makes it all worse.
Guest kristin1161969
Count me in as one who also is suffering from this as well as other awful physical (and mental) symptoms. When perimenopause first kicked in for me 4 years ago, I went to doctor because I honestly felt I was dying. I was still having periods but they were changing. After having a terrible one (flooding), I could not fathom that anyone could feel this awful and not have something seriously wrong with them. I had my MD run every test possible - including tick diseases and autoimmune diseases. All came back perfectly fine. Since then, it has been a struggle. My new normal is feeling not well - which is so sad. The overall soreness and odd and pain is pervasive. My neck and shoulders are the worst. I also suffer from migraines and they have increased in frequency. Indigestion is awful. I have terrible GERD and nausea. Mornings are always the worst for me. I used to be a get up and go type of girl but now I try to schedule any type of appointment (work or personal) late morning / early afternoon to give me time to just feel better. Sometimes I will be lucky enough to have a string of days when I feel like my old self again. It is glorious to feel like that. I miss it terribly. The past week I have had that uncomfortable / sore feeling in my shoulder blades. It is disconcerting because I too think - heart attack? My breathing has also been bad - meaning I feel short of breath. I have anxiety and have had true panic attacks. When I was younger, I also had anxiety but it was manageable. I never took meds and my life wasn't limited. Since my hormones have gone insane, the anxiety has begun to rule me. I have not yet turned to medication because I am fearful of it (which I know is part of the anxiety -what a vicious cycle). No one every prepared me for this and oddly none of my very close friends are suffering as I am which makes me think - what is wrong with me? Why is it only me? Thank goodness for forums like this because it makes me feel like I am not along in this. Not an easy journey for sure...
Guest Guest
Hi Kim,
My friends and family don't understand either. Nobody has gone through what I have been! I think they all think I'm a hypochondriac or depressed. Luckily my husband supports and understands, he saw me at my sickest and gets it.
I also had the other things you mention, the breathing, and so so many other things as well. I thought for sure I was checking out last year and even went back to my home town for the summer to spend time with my family.
It really does help me to know other women feel as bad, not that I would wish that on anyone, but it makes me feel less alone.
nancy0925 Guest
I’m curious about your neck and shoulder pain. That’s a new symptom that started in like November but it was off and on. Now it’s constant for last 2 months. Can you describe the feeling? Mine feels like nerve pain. Also like my tendons in my neck are stiff and inflamed. It’s the sides of my next which radiates into my shoulders. It makes me feel off. How would you describe it?