It's official
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Morning ladies,
I've just had a phone call from the gp to say my blood results are consistent with menopause. I could have told them that as I would say the constant hot flushes, weight gain, tiredness, spots and insomnia are also a good indication! I'm feeling relieved if anything because at least I know what's hapening is real and not all in my mind. Does that make sense? At 45 I don't think any of my friends who haven't gone through it really understood what I have been talking about !!!
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natallia04776 cheryl1970
bobbysgirl cheryl1970
Well, dur! What would we do without our GPs.
Welcome to the club that no one wants to be in.
You are right, it may be blindingly obvious, but it's nice to have it confirmed. At least you know for sure.
Any time you need a chat, you know where we are.
natallia04776 bobbysgirl
I know! 😉 Thank you I'm 43 so not too long to wait. 😆
valarie24431 cheryl1970
Im 31 and have an appointment on Monday. Im sure my doctor is going to look at me as if Im crazy but my mother and grandmother started in their 30's as well so even if he refuses to hear me out I know what it is. Hope you feel better soon!
rebecca40365 cheryl1970
Good Morning Cheryl,
Like you, I was relieved to find out my symptoms are menopause. As of now, I'm just working on getting adjusted to this new phase in my life and not thinking the worse all the time (I'm such a worrier). I have the same symptoms as you, but with the anxiety added on as well. I understand you, and I sometimes get angry with my friends who doesn't understand me, lol. But we're all going to get through this.
maria101 cheryl1970
Hi Cheryl, glad your symptoms are all menopsal related your lucky to have Dr to check the blood...I had heart kidneys eyes anemia cholesterol hormones test CT scan breast check everything ok so far, I'm asking now for exray on my knees
you will be ok as time go on symptoms will die down, I know that because of what I been through at night with panicky wake up in a fright
you don't know how I feel at this moment when I go to bed so peaceful and good sleep thank god
so you hang on in there my girl it could only get better.
Thanks all for your replies. It's so nice to know we live in the digital age and can all share this experience !
colleen90305 cheryl1970