Itchiness legs, arms, abdomen... please help!
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over the last few days ive developed really bad itching... theres small rash on my legs but my arms and stomach keep itching with no rash... last year i had chronic gerd but during that time i had a CT scan and Ultra sound of my abdomen, found slight fatty liver and a hital hernia... i assume this means they i wouldnt have liver cancer or pancreatic because they looked at everything... could somthing have changed in just a year?? what els can cause this? im not on any medications and im only 27.
please help
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mary19068 timlit2r
Hi timlit2r
Itching can indicate liver problems. It would be a good idea to consult with your doctor about it....
lester90053 timlit2r
Take showers and use skin lotion.
maureen09477 lester90053
hey lester
lester90053 timlit2r
Thanks Maureen.
beverley66197 timlit2r
My daughter is celiac and whenever she accidentally gets glutened, she gets a rash before she gets the inevitable intestinal disturbance. It could be something like that. ask your doc for a celiac blood test.
yonder01 timlit2r
Dry skin is a particularly common cause of itching without a rash, especially as we get older. Sometimes people have dry skin due to an underlying medical condition, such as an underactive thyroid (hypothyroidism) or Sjogren's syndrome (a disease that typically causes arthritis, dry eyes, and dry mouth).
Itchy skin can be a symptom of an underlying illness. These include liver disease, kidney failure, iron deficiency anemia, thyroid problems and certain cancers, including multiple myeloma and lymphoma.
When to see your doctor
In general, your itchy skin should improve within weeks if you follow simple skin care steps. “If these changes do not bring relief and are distracting you from your daily routines or affecting your sleep, you should see your dermatologist,”
As you can see there are alot of reasons this can be happening. Did you change laundry detergent, fabric softner, ?
Do you have dry skin?
and this:
When to see a doctor
See your doctor or a skin disease specialist (dermatologist) if the itching:
Lasts more than two weeks and doesn't improve with self-care measures
Is severe and distracts you from your daily routines or prevents you from sleeping
Comes on suddenly and can't be easily explained
Affects your whole body
Is accompanied by other signs and symptoms, such as extreme tiredness, weight loss, changes in bowel habits, or urinary frequency, fever or redness of the skin
If the condition persists for three months despite treatment, see a dermatologist to be evaluated for skin disease and an internist to be evaluated for other diseases.
Hope all this helps, I would def have the liver enzymes checked if doc thinks it is warranted. Things can change in a year, I would start with your primary care doc first and go from there, most likely not serious but you want to be sure. If things go sideways on you and you have other symptoms that are more serious go to ER....also check your b-12 levels as well under anemia. Good luck !
Naomi-04 timlit2r
Your itchiness without rash on your stomach and arms is only cause by accumulation of bile salts in your body tissues. This is because of your slight fatty liver and this also results to small rash on your legs. Cholestasis or impaired secretion of bile is not a detrimental subject. You only need to stop drinking alcohol and stop eating fried foods and meat that are very high in cholesterol for fatty liver. Beetroot juice and apple juice helps to detoxify all the fats accumulated in your liver.
barb49619 timlit2r
maybemaybe you should have your sugar retested I know when I had gestational diabetes I itched everywhere too and they said my sugar was high all the people she left so maybe you should get that checked out maybe you should just start cutting out some sugars and see if that helps with the itching stay off sugar for a while if the itching goes away then you'll know it was your sugar but still see your doctor when you can get in there