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iv been itching real bad lately.

its driving me mad my skin has started getting dry and i want to know if anyones had this and found a lotion or remedies that help.

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6 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi yes I itch everywhere and I mean everywhere itches so I decided to buy Olatium Oil you can Try that if your living in the UK boots will supply it hope this helps
  • Posted

    oat meal in a sock in the bath...let it get really gooey and lather it all over.  Don't rinse.

    Another is a cup or two of plain vinegar in a bath, balances the dkin ph and brings relief too

  • Posted

    Hi just get your bloods checked you could be low in iron.


  • Posted

    Yes it is a symptom of low iron. And another meno symptom. You can try an anti -histamine like loratadine. That worked for me. If it make you drowsy, (though it shouldn't),  take it in the evening.

    Use unperfumed body lotions like E45 cream. 

    Hope it stops soon!

  • Posted

    My skin, hair and nails have ALWAYS been dry and my iron levels are fine - it's sometimes just the way you are.

    I've tried all sorts of things over the years and now use a paraben-free vitamin E cream, available in many wholefood stores and not as pricey as you might think.

    Also, for your body you might try a shea butter or coconut butter lotion by a well-known company that also do a paraben free version.

    I no longer wake up looking like a prune!😁

  • Posted

    Try Aveeno cream - it's an oatbased moisturiser that soothes skin and can help with the itching or oats in the bath.

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