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hi am sorry if this has been mentioned before. i am so itchy on my hands, palms, knuckles and wrists i also have A few bumps at the back

of neck mainly in the evening doesnt matter if i am feeling hot or cold feel like i have been bitten all over my skin gets so red and sore wondered if anyone else gets this and what you use to relieve this thankyou for your help xx

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5 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Julie,

    I'm not sure if it's the same thing but i itch too and it is one of the many menopause markers...

    Mainly I itch on my torso and especially on my back. I find that regularly using moisturiser helps and also when it's really bad I take an antihistamine tablet.

    Mine is hormonal/stress related I'm sure as I can go months without it and then it suddenly comes back - but its so annoying... not sure if cold weather makes it worse or not... others may have a different take on it and I'll be interested to hear any other solutions to the prob!

    Hope it settles soon.


  • Posted

    Hi Julie, yep...occasionally...had it really bad 2 nights ago...always at night! Figures. My legs, and left hand palm itch for no reason. I use regular vitamin e oil (mine says with keratin) along with a hypo allergic body lotion. I get awful dry skin in the winter.

  • Posted

    I get itching at night also, my back and torso. It is horrible sometimes. My new symptom this week is itching down below, and again it only happens at night?

  • Posted

    I get this itching as well- on and off for past three years. Was taking antihistamines but then didn't want to be dependent on them (even though my doctor said it is fine to take them whenever I need). I found for me that giving up dairy and gluten helps- still not sure what one it is but yesterday I had both after not having it for a while and was sooo itchy when I went to bed. For me it always happens when I go to bed or at night when I am getting tired. Saw doctor and dermatologist for this and everything checked out so I am blaming it on hormone changes. I also get the mild itch down below too from time to time and again only at night. Weird! My itch can happen anywhere but usually neck and back but often stomach too.


  • Posted

    Hi Julie, I ended up in doctors 3 weeks ago because itch was so bad. I've been told to stop all moisturisers and only use Silcocks base. It's worked brilliant, I wouldn't use anything else now x

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