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I have developed this irritation /itching in spots in the crease of my legs. It is maddening. It started the last part of this year and it is hard to function. When I look with a mirror I don't see anything unusual but there is a thinner area what I believe is a stretch mark. (Lovely) I have tried baby powder (starch- not talc) and hydrocortisone cream and that makes it worse. I think underwear is irritating it. It is hard to function on a remote normal level.

That added with my usual aches and pains- I just hate being this me and I cry everyday because of it.

I am two years post menopause and it seems like I have now have pinpoint issues. Breast pain, itching, calf pain, armpit pain, ovary pain and skipping heart beats. I got rid of the breast pain, and skipping heart beats, for the most part. Touch wood.

I have had the others checked out besides the new (in the last couple months) intermittent inner crease of the leg itching/irritation. It comes and goes. Right now it is driving me absolutely batty and there is no relief. I am panty-less most of the day and sleep sans anything lower at night now.

It is like my new thing and to be honest I would rather have the breast pain.

I am fat, I will tell you that. I am about 45lbs over weight and I disgust myself. It's been a struggle to lose weight. I have lost 17 lbs, pound by pound but I have a long way to go. I put on so much weight during peri. I feel I sneeze and I gain a pound. So I know my fat thighs aren't helping my cause. I need something to make me feel normal. Even if it is just for a little while. I need a break from this person and her issues I have become. My personality, marriage, and everyday existence has declined since I started this journey from hell called menopause. It isn't getting easier for me but worse and that is utterly depressing and not a day goes by that I don't just put my face in my hands and sob.

The cleaner I live: I don't drink, smoke, no caffeine, no sugar, eating greens and lean meat, the worse I feel. Not to mention I just don't have anything enjoyable and it is making me bitter and grouchy. No friends or family remotely nearby, no job. My over 26 year marriage is mostly hostility (me) My husband just doesn't understand or frankly care. I am petty enough when he has an ache or pain, I laugh (to myself). He has no idea. (Yeah I have become a horrible person). I take my dog out walking and for retail therapy to try and try and distract myself.

This itchy/irritated thing I got going on- my life has now become unbearable.

I also realize I annoyingly can't even write a short post. lol. GAH

Thank you, every single one you on here. I feel I wouldn't be here without you all over the years I that have been on here.

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8 Replies

  • Posted

    I also have had an intense itch down below, not sure what it is from...tried creams also, power does help. It comes and goes not constant. someone told me to try ozone oil, not sure what it is but I will try anything....

    • Posted

      I never heard of ozone oil. I will have to look that up. Thank you.

    • Posted

      I changed soaps and it has helped tremendously with the itching. I used my husbands Lever 2000 soap and the maddening itching has (touch wood) subsided.

  • Posted


    how you get rid of the skipping heartbeats.

    • Posted

      Hi, kim

      I take 250 mg of chelated magnesium a day and I avoid caffeine. Those two things are what stopped my skipping heart beats.

  • Posted

    I have had an itch also right outside my vagina and it drives me completely mad. I have tried has been going on and off for many years. Since I have started perimenopause. It got worse these past 6 months as I have only gotten my period every 3 months or so...I have put alittle steriod cream on thru the years as thats what they gave me..but now they wanted to try a stronger cream because now it seems to just stay..and it goes in stages..I think? gets red and then it can flake ....I am now seeing an acupuntrist and she has me on herbs..but nothing so far. I feel alittle better..i think..but not sure if thats just because I am so hopeful with her. She said it was kidney chi..and I told her about hormones and she says that also goes hand in hand with it. I have tried EVERYTHING. It makes it itch worse at night if its an oil. Butt paste works the best as it seems to control the itch for me. I read that estrogen levels can cause this? I have had skin biospy and it cam back inflamation. I would love to know if anyone else has this also? Its very depressing and it really gets to me.

    • Posted


      I can completely sympathize. It is maddening and hard to function on a basic level. I am always afraid to try something because it might make it worse. The change in soap helped but my underwear irritates as does exercise. I have been considering acupuncture as we have a highly rated one in my area. My immune system seems to be much worse as I entered menopause. I used to have great skin and health. My skin is terrible its dry, rashy and bumpy even though my diet has improved as has my skin care regime. It is depressing and adds to my irritability.

  • Posted

    I got rid of my skipping heart beats with bach stress remedy. I would take it as soon as the palps started. It was the Only thing that helped. alcohol makes it worse. Stay away from that. Hope I have helped you, Hugs. ❤️

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