Itching and paper cuts in the groin and anus

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hi everyone,I have a bit of concern about my situation...

I'm 39 Male and I must say I'm a fortunate "survivor "of a terrible anal fissure situation that lasted for about 8 months, almost 2 years ago...

However starting about 4 months ago I've developed a very interesting condition wich I've yet to diagnose by a specialist but it kind of manifests like this:

it started with thin cracks in the skin right on top between the butt chicks and also between my scrotum and thigh.

The symptoms are;itching with burning and sting afterwords .

Those same symptoms are now around and onto my anus as well.

I'm in good physical shape and and good health with the few exceptions here and there.

Also when it comes to my nutrition I've always been most aware of...

Tried a few creams and some jock itch spray but it doesn't seem to work.

Any good advice would be much appreciated

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6 Replies

  • Posted

    hi, I don't have the exact same problem but I have 3 deep fissures that bleed a lot and after further examination they found lots of little cuts around the anus aswell no one knows what's wrong but I was given trimovate to put on and it has helped a bit it's definitely not cured the deep ones but we believe its helped with the little cuts. Still have no answer to what's causing it but its assumed maybe a little infection or damaged skin as it was often itchy and that has stopped also.

    I also have psoriasis on my upper thighs mostly along the edge of where my underwear is and before treatment that caused some cracks in the skin.

    Might be worth speaking to your specialist about it or getting referred to a dermatologist, she was the one who gave me the trimovate cream.

    • Posted

      thanks for your reply.

      You know I think I still have the fissures even without the excruciating pain ,I once had.

      I m saying this because i too bleed sometimes after i go to the bathroom more than once in a day.

      Also,few says ago I detected some red itchy spots on my upper hand ,not too big maybe the size of a quarter, and after looking it up it looks like it might be psoriasis.

      maybe I should take your advice and talk to a specialist althow I had a terrible experience back when I was trying to figure out what my fisures were and how to stop the pain.

      5 different specialist suggested wide range of possibilities including cancer.

      So I dont really trust them

    • Posted

      I understand, they thought I had cancer and when they realised it wasn't they said I was making it up and I had to beg for another consultant and he believed me and then it took 2 years of testing and a 8 month wait for flap surgery and during surgery they said I had too many fissures so no surgery could help. But I wouldn't let them give up and that's when I was referred to a dermatologist and shes helped.

      skin conditions can be anything I'm also having allergy testing.

      would say ask your dr for a referral to another dr, eventually someone will figure it out.

      good luck!

    • Posted

      I'll be honest, the only thing that helped the most with my fisures was the squaty poty and also stopped using toilet paper and use instead baby wipes.

      as soon as I started doing that I felt better within 2 weeks.

      I can say I'm pain free now.

      It must've been terrifying going through surgery.

      good luck to you too

  • Posted

    contact dermatitis or eczema may be. get specialist opinion

    • Posted

      I taught about that...

      I was hoping I'd find someone with similar symptoms and having it fixed on a more holistic approach.Really

      have a hard Time trusting doctors

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