Itching so bad I can't sleep
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Please please can anyone help me with this?
It started back in November, my face and chest itching especially at night. My face seemed to get better when using moisturiser everyday but my chest/neck continued to itch even though I was using E45 itch relief cream.
It has started to wake me at night around midnight then I find it really hard to get back to sleep because I just want to scratch.
In desperation I went to the Dr last week. She was I felt quite dismissive, told me to stop using the E45 and all other bath/shower products and to wash my hair over the sink. She also gave me a 30 day course of antihistamine, some cream and prescribed oilatum shower gel. The pharmacist told me she can't get that so would get me something else after she spoke to the Dr. I didn't check until I got home but she gave me some E45 emollient shower wash which surprised me.
I used it for the first time last night and through the night I was in hell. The itching is worse than it has ever been and I think I am going to go crazy if I don't get some help.
My Dr said don't come back for a couple of months because it can take that long to settle. I will be hanging from a lamp post before 2 months of this are up.
My it an allergy? It only really itches intensely at night which I think is due to be warm. There is no rash although it is red and horrible looking this morning from me scratching. The E45 itch releif seemed to help the itch but is it coincidence that after using the shower stuff I had the worst night ever? The cream she has given me is not helping at all.
I started taking milk thistle back in November too as suggested by someone on here, I also take B complex, D3, calcium, Vit E, Maca root, chellated Mg and turmeric.
PLEASE help me I am desperate
1 like, 16 replies
Sus28 janehj
jackied68 janehj
mel64317 janehj
You may have developed an allergy to an ingredient in most shower gels? Have a buddy lanolin may also find you have an allergy to some of the vitamins you're taking? How about keeping a diary, and leaving them off one at a time
to see if the itching subsides??......
good of luck hun. X
Sus28 janehj
dawn45453 janehj
janehj dawn45453
coralie74759 janehj
janehj coralie74759
How do you take Krill oil?
coralie74759 janehj
Madmarilyn janehj
janehj Madmarilyn
I will look into the Alpha Keri although at the moment I am a bit reluctant to spend more money on things which may not suit as I am already nearly £35 down
That said when the itching is so bad I would sell my soul to stop it!
I don't think it could be an allergy to jewellery, I have worn the same 18ct gold chain for years and years but I did wonder if a new work shirt was the trigger back in November. Other than that I hadn't changed anything, always use the same shampoo and shower gwel as well as non bio washing liquid.
What I don't get is if it is an allergy I have suddenly developed then why is it just my neck/chest area and not anywhere the allergen has touched me (if it is my shower gel/shampoo/E45 anti itch??
I discovered last night that cold water stopped the itching long enough for me to get back to sleep!
I usually don't wear anything in bed but will try a cotton nighty tonight, see if it helps any.
Again, thank you
Madmarilyn janehj
rensputs janehj
janehj rensputs