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Ladies i am experiencing badly itchy breast since yesterday. It is so bad that i feel like scratching them off. I have been putting vaseline on them and oatmeal lotion. But nothing seems to be working. The scratch is so intensifying . Is this normal ?
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pamela2016 hopeforever
i have went through a stage my breast itched i scratched so bad i made my nipples sore thank god it was short lived , i laid a wet cool rag on them that helped the itching.
heather29740 hopeforever
Go into your bathroom and run a facecloth under the cold tap and then use it like a cold compress and that will cool it down otherwise it's benedryl .
I itch a lot but I have a genetic disease called haemochromotosis, which makes me get an iron overload and every 16 weeks I get venesected, posh word for they take a bag of blood away from me I have never worked out if of the two if it is a hormonal or not thing that makes me itch as I have had both for over ten years.
Hope you feel better.....Heather x
christine-Perim hopeforever
i dont know if its normal but mine itch too. it random. just another thing to track..... i love this forum!! im not alone. im not crazy. im not mean.
love to all.
heather29740 hopeforever
Just thought of a reason they get itchy it tends to get hot under the boobs as with other parts of our lady bits . In my case my boobs are so saggy now I could probably throw them over my back (when I was young hated wearing a bra ,still do) not that I'm going to try my ass is already sagging back there .
Do what I do, go and stand with the fridge open get cooled down but don't go to the next step like I do and grab something to put on a sandwich . Thus growing a whole new space that gets hot. lol
Please just use the cold cloth or the benedryl. Both will help to get you a good night's sleep.
Take care Heather x