Itchy ears

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Hi all just wondered if any of you ladies have itchy ears another symptom that has just started😣x

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11 Replies

  • Posted

    Yes have itchy ears now just started my period so hoping they will stop itching , just get use to all the other things and then something else comes along.

    Take care


  • Posted

    Oh my gosh yes!! 2 nights ago it was driving me mad....always worse at night. I usually put Debrox drops in and the next day follow up with a little hydrocortisone cream. That knocks it out until the next month. Dr said its eczema in my ear canal...flares up when hormones do their thing. And it's only 1 ear..🤷🏽???

  • Posted

    Constantly! I find coating the tip of an earbud with tea tree oil and oiling the inside of the ears relieves it for about half a day. But I have commonly had itchy ears, as well as a stuffy, blocked nose.
  • Posted

    I get itchy scalp. which I never did before. I also get a twitchy eye from time to time that drives me crazy. 
  • Posted

    I’ve got itchy flaky ears. My right ear is really bad the left not as bad. Looks like some kind of eczema. Just thought it was something not connected but now wondering if this another symptom?
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    I started to get itchy ears about 18 months ago when I stopped swimming a lot and put it down to swimmers ear!  But it’s still going on a lot of times in the night. I scratch all the time and they get quite sore.   Probably another menopause symptom 

  • Posted

    I have itchy ears, tender scalp and my right eye is getting so sensitive to the light. Who said gettiolder is a blessing?
    • Posted

      Michelle getting old ain't no blessing Lol...but we are still here have to keep or chin up girl as you know with old age what lurks with it,I'm 56 now and watching my youth slipping through my fingers yearly but I have saw 50 come in that's great Godly Blessing xx

  • Edited

    H, yes had it for years right deep down in the canal where you can't get too such horrible feeling but has ease up since my periods have ended that is nothing though to compare to the frightening symptoms I had if that was all I wouldn't will go away one day.

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