Itchy Legs
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Has anyone experienced itchy legs at night? For several nights now I have an itching frenzy with my legs around the ankles and on the top of my feet. I know i got bitten pretty bad by mosquitoes this summer but its October! It only seems to stir up at night. Another thing keeping me awake!
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donna38794 sharcerv52408
sharcerv52408 donna38794
donna38794 sharcerv52408
sharcerv52408 donna38794
donna38794 sharcerv52408
fancygoldfish sharcerv52408
sharcerv52408 fancygoldfish
jayneejay sharcerv52408
Stop panicking ..
Itchy skin can be hormone fluctuations
Read the heading 66 symptoms of menopause
Try and relax..
Itchy skin can be certain medications too, and mozzy bites always itch.
I live in spain and use to get bitten alive.
Mozzys hate vit B1 ( thiamine)
I take 150mg daily, never get bitten now.
Jay xx
Why is the menopause giving me itchy skin?
As you go through the menopause, levels of the hormone oestrogen begin to drop.
Oestrogen has a number of functions, including regulating the moisture levels of your tissues and stimulating the production of collagen.
Collagen is a fibre that improves the strength and elasticity of skin – low levels of collagen can lead to the formation of wrinkles.
As the level of oestrogen in your body falls, so does the amount of collagen and skin-moistening oils produced.
This causes your skin to become dry and irritated. You may first notice this around the T-zone of your face although it can spread over your whole body.
Raised stress levels can exacerbate itching as stress triggers the release of histamine, which can cause flushing, itching and sometimes skin rashes.
As many mid-life women are dealing with stressful circumstances, working to support and calm the nervous system is important.
If levels of uric acid rise, due to dehydration and/or excess intake of caffeinated drinks, discomfort and itching can worsen.
This factor may also contribute to soreness in the joints, another one of the common menopause symptoms.
sharcerv52408 jayneejay
jayneejay sharcerv52408
i also take 150mg B1 daily for mozzys ..
only because my tablets are 300mg and i halve them.
100mg is enough..
the Mega B100 and Busy B has 100mg B1 and the 100mg B6 in it
B1 good for the body in other ways too
now its cooler here the mozzys are out and about again..
its the females that bite you.. They want your blood to lay their eggs 😥
night fisherman take B1 so they arent bitten .
works a treat.. Has to be Thiamine B1 .
no other B vits keep mozzys off ..
jay xx
debbie03785 sharcerv52408
julie2510 sharcerv52408
jayneejay julie2510
i have been thinking of trying flax seed ( linseed) myself ..
( they call it semillas de lino here in spain) but its whole not ground ..😞
can you tell me what it tastes like ..
i make myself have two weetabix in the morning and was thinking about flax seed to sprinkle on top of it..
but not sure it i will like the taste or not
jay xx
The lignans in flaxseeds appear to act like conventional hormone replacement therapy, or HRT, for women who're going through menopause, says the University of Maryland Medical Center.
Flaxseeds appear to reduce blood sugar levels and menopausal symptoms like hot flashes and mood swings.
They also have the potential to reduce your chances of osteoporosis by strengthening your bones. A 2002 study in "Obstetrics and Gynecology" found that flaxseed supplements were equally as effective as HRT in reducing menopausal symptoms, notes the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center.
A 2007 study in the "Journal of the Society for Integrative Oncology" discovered that flaxseed reduced hot flashes by 50 percent in menopausal women.
However, a large, yearlong study found that flaxseed was no more effective in treating menopausal symptoms than a placebo, according to a 2004 issue of the "Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism."
The typical adult dosage of flaxseed is 1 tbsp. two or three times per day, says the University of Maryland Medical Center, or you can take up to 4 tbsp. once a day.
Grind and mix the flaxseed with at least 6 oz. of water, Mayo Clinic advises. It will take at least a few days before you see any effects, notes the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center.
Keep in mind that flaxseed oil doesn't contain the phytoestrogenic lignans contained in whole flaxseeds. Ask your doctor for the dosage that's right for you before you start taking flaxseed to treat menopausal symptoms.
Some people can have an allergic reaction to flaxseed, and they are safe for women who're pregnant or lactating, warns the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center.
If you or your family has a history of breast, uterine or other estrogen-sensitive cancers, don't take flaxseed, since the lignans' phytoestrogenic properties might stimulate cancer cell growth.
Consult your doctor before taking flaxseeds if you have diabetes or take blood-thinning medications like Coumadin, Mayo Clinic cautions. Perhaps most importantly, don't consume raw or unripe flaxseed pods, which are poisonous.
marlene21102 jayneejay
Another amazing thing you found . xx
jayneejay marlene21102
yes ... I was thinking about some flax seed but having read that i will give it a miss
hope your well
jay xx
marlene21102 jayneejay
That Bartholin gland gone to ,Happy days .
The breast cancer was a surprise ,hope that's alerted ones with that in close family with it .Had no idea till your post .
Hope your doing okay yourself ,xxxand the animals all doing okay .
jayneejay marlene21102
blimey thats some bug you had .. Not nice ..
had my flu jab last monday 😊 ( influenza and swine flu)
have one every year .. had proper flu twice years ago once when pregnant... Never again if i can help it ......
all good here , sun shining a nice cooler 26 degrees most days ..
good pottering about weather ..
no more jumping in pool thats cold again .. Hehehehe
Dogs are fine ... 😃
busy with other stuff here so always occupied one way or another ..
good to keep busy ..
have a nice sunday
jay xx
marlene21102 jayneejay
We had flu jab ,wouldn't miss it .Not nice ,you always remember how you felt ,when you've had the flu bad ,as you have. Ditto here .
Glad doggies are well .always good to hear ,like ones kids they are .
So no more pool time ,You've had hot summer out there ,so you've had fair use of it .Do you have fireplace in your home ? See some do .
Cold here ,had fair bit of rain to . that's UK hey .xxx Mar
jayneejay marlene21102
yes parents are fine ..
yes we have a fire ..log fire ... Wood burner ..
not normally required until decemeber time ..
Always warmer out than in in december/jan/feb here ..
have AC thats cold and Hot too if needed ..
no coat required its lovely ..
take care
jay xx
julie2510 jayneejay
tina90965 jayneejay
jayneejay tina90965
jay xx