Itchy, Red, Blotchy face is this another fantastic symptom of Perimenopause?
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Hi Everyone,
I'm 50, soon to be 51 and have been going through Perimenopause since 2013. I have most of the symptoms going on at the moment including the depression, anxiety, nausea, fatigue etc but the one that has suprised me is the red, blotchiness that has decided to spread over my face and neck and the acne that I seem to making up for that I didn't get as a teenager. I cannot use soap of any kind on my skinand hasve tried a couple of soap free alternatives but decided to go back to an original soap free wash called QV there is also a moisturiser with SPF30 from QV that I have started using as well. Is this Red Blotchy Acne inflamed skin another fantastic symptom of Perimenopause? Do any of you ladies have the same issue and have you found something that works for your skin? I am currently taking Harmony Menopause Tabs which is Herbal plus Johns Wort for the Anxiety. I'm happy that I have found this site and look forward to chatting with you all.
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jackie95472 anna42582
Good luck
anna42582 jackie95472
Moment I'm on herbal tabs and will
see how the skin goes, if it gets any
worse I'll make an appointment with
my Dr....
WoodsyChrissy anna42582
I have had the red blotchy and itchy face, and I was having a side affect of the tables I was on, try using a sensative face lotion instead of soap, if this blotchy itchyness continues, you might have to go back to the doctor for help, or try using a skin creame with quartazone in it only on the blotchy patches, I perspire quiet heavy, and this causes my sensative skin to become red and sore, just hang in there ok, I know its very frustrating and very uncomfortable....
anna42582 WoodsyChrissy
Thanks for your reply. I can't use proper soap on my skin as I come out in blotchy rashes, I had pretty sensitive skin well before I started Peri but has become worse over the last six months or so, flarres up badly then kind of settles down again, it looked so bad last week it was as if I had gotten really severe sunburn.. I have tried various non soap alternatives but after a while my skin desides it's time to try something new so I've gone back to using a non soap wash called QV it's really good for ultra sensative skin, I am also using the QV daily moisturiser as well. I'm looking at getting some EP Caps to see how that goes.
It's not only frustrating but also disheartening, I was in tears when I looked at my red, blotchy acne covered face and you tend to lose confidence in yourself when your face looks so bad.... but as you say I'll hang in there and I'll take each day as it comes and see what else Peri has in store for me... thank goodness for this site!
Thanks again WoodsyChrissy, hope all is ok with you, take care,
lisahelen anna42582
i take a cocktail of natural products daily- evening primrose omega and cod liver and have done for years. My gp advised the ep oil for me on a recent visit. I had stopped taking everything about six months ago to give my system a clear out. On reflection i wish i hadnt, because it must have helped me through the meno as now retaking it it has diminished my still hot flushes! And my face is calming down.
hope my contribution was helpful to you
anna42582 lisahelen
Thanks for your reply. I've tried a few non soap washes which do work for a while but my skin rejects them after a while so I've gone back to my original soap free wash QV which helped me with my psoriasis which I had years ago. So far so good, my skin has calmed down alot. I am also thinking of getting the EP caps to see how that helps, will also dose up on my fish intake to get the omega and propably a good over 50 multi. Now that it is warming up here in Aus, I'm looking forward to more salads.
Thanks again for the reply, take care
viv74067 anna42582
anna42582 viv74067
Thanks for your repl and welcome to the group. I know exactly how you feel, it feels as though your body has gone feral mood swings go from one extreme to another, luckily I haven't lashed out too much at my hubby but he has noticed the change in my moods and that I have become "snappy". I'm going to get som EP caps and see if that helps. I've been in perimenopause for just over 2 years, it's ramped up abit over the last 6 months or so and I'm hoping that it doesn't last too much longer.
Thanks again for your reply, take care and look foward to chatting again soon.