Posted , 9 users are following.
My skin is so itchy ite driving me NUTS!.esp bad on palms...head and face ! Grrrrrr......hate this:-(
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Posted , 9 users are following.
My skin is so itchy ite driving me NUTS!.esp bad on palms...head and face ! Grrrrrr......hate this:-(
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Guest Catwoman212
Hi catwoman! Are you sure you don’t have fleas? Ha, ha...bad joke! I needed to make myself laugh...bad peri day today! Anyways I get itchy too! Vitamin E oil every night! Not on my scalp though...don’t overwash your hair, dries you out worse! Especially now, the season change...worse in the winter! 😁
Catwoman212 Guest
evi75119 Guest
Firstly, I though I had lice on my head and acari in my mattress and pillows
Guest Catwoman212
I just use liquid. A little drop goes a long way! I put it on my nails. Under my eyes for the dark circles. On my face too before bed it has really helped fade some damage on my forehead from acne...another lovely peri problem 🙄
Guest evi75119
🤣 I am a dog groomer ( not working at the moment)...when the itchy crawling skin started for me...I seriously thought I had mange 🤣
evi75119 Catwoman212
Itching haha, this symptom can drive me crazy pacing the floor like a paranoid.
Each time before my period starts and during my period, I have been suffering badly with itching 'down below
But my itching isn't inside at all, it's on the outside high up at the front, where the public hair is and along those edges.
I have also itching on my scalp like bees are biting me, on my neck, above my ovaries belly area
hormones are everywhere
sarah05599 Catwoman212
Hi, yes the itching drives you crazy!! It was the first symptom of peri I started with 11 years ago ( yes I've had itching for that long) it started off just before my period and ended up there pretty much all the time but worse before period and it's worse at night when hot. The only thing that has helped is anti histamine but even then it doesn't always work as I think your body gets used to it so I change to a different brand for a bit.
wendy36287 Catwoman212
trinity03 Catwoman212
Yes, itching for "no" reason in odd places like my shins,chest, and top front part of my leg by hips.
elizabeth142 Catwoman212
I switched to Aveeno it’s made with oats, daily wash. Get it from super drug or Boots or even off Ebay. I have not itched since.