Itchy skin with rough patches
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Hi everyone! Hope your symptoms are light today! I have one to add to my list! I have been lazy this winter and not lotioning after shower or bath as often as I probably should. I've had itchiness all over for about a and on. Now I am sprouting small flat rough patches that really itch!! I have a Drs appt soon but was wondering if anyone else is having skin issues??
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Gypsy014 katyD211
Hi Katy, I didn't have that, but my sister did.. Just exactly as you describe, little rough dry patches on her eye lids is where she would get them.. They would itch like crazy for her, she would use the anti itch cream and said that helped ease the itching, it lasted for about 2 years! And even though I don't get the dry patches, I do get the dry mouth, eyes and skin, I use extra lotion and drink lots of water for sure..
katyD211 Gypsy014
paulahove24 katyD211
I ve stupidly been to “Dr Google” and self diagnosed myself with something serious and have now created lots of anxiety!! I know it’s very common to have this itching with menopause (plus the anxiety and loads more)! Just want it all to go away.
katyD211 paulahove24
Lol! Yes Paula, I too am guilty of scaring myself with visits to Dr Google! My family gets s o annoyed when I do I've been trying not much!
Thanks for responding
tina00239 katyD211
Hi Katy, skin problems are very common from what I have learned from the ladies on here and from what I've experienced myself. Your dr can give you a moisturising shower gel and a very thick moisturising cream to put all over after every shower and this should calm it down. WHATEVER YOU DO DONT SCRATCH. Because our brain chemistry is also being affected the more you scratch the more you itch. You must keep moisturising. Here anytime. XXX
katyD211 tina00239
Aww thanks so much Tina!! As soon as you said don't scratch I starterd itching! ! But I do have an appointment for when I'm off during spring break. Couldnt get one before then...I teach 5th grade....which is enough to make anyone itch
tina00239 katyD211
I know what you mean all those cooties crawling about and thats just the kids haha😁Xxx
rose00110 katyD211
katyD211 rose00110
Barney3771 katyD211
Hi. I'm heading to docs soon with the same. Red itchy patches around my eyes. Driving me up the walls and looks really bad. I have tried a few comes but no use. Last night in bed my whole body was itching for the first time. But as of yet I don't have any other patches .
katyD211 Barney3771
Heyyy!! Hoping doc can give you some relief! I wonder why the itching is more intense at night??! It's like a sadistic meno joke...
Let us know what happens and thanks for responding!
Barney3771 katyD211
Hi Katy. Doc give me a dakacort cream.. to try . She said that some people don't get flushes and get dry skin , mouth , vagina , . I don't take any flushes. . . Just hope stops soon .
noreen55240 katyD211
Hi there, I have skin issues, itchy legs and back and spots/ rough itchy patches on legs, and sometimes is worse at night, you’re not alone 🙂
katyD211 noreen55240
Thanks Noreen...this hormonal roller coaster is no joke n I wanna get off!!!
And why is it worse at night????!!!
Oh well...creams n oils...benadryl when it's really bad