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Hi all fellow sufferers

over the last eight years i have seen several different GP's within our local Practice as to get an appointment you have to see who's available next or wait three weeks. I always take a list or i'll get there and forget everything so a couple of weeks ago i was feeling really ill with the meno and i got an appointment that day with a lady GP so i thought this would be good as she is in her 40's and may understand how i feel. i thought the list was a good idea as she may be able to put my symptoms together and come up with something but how wrong was i, she said she couldn't think of anything and as i'd been in several times before over the year with the list and was still here (not dead) i just had to get on with it.

i came away sad and devastated and think this is it, no help, her face was like stone she had no emotions or feelings. i'm so sad life is passing me by and i'm stuck in my own safe bubble. i'm sure there's lost of ladies on here feel just as sad but i wish i could meet someone as no one i actually know has been through what we're going through and for so many year, just when does this end for us?

sending you all love and hope ❤

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7 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Anxious,

    Just a quick note to say you're in my thoughts. It is frustrating, almost devastating, isn't it?

    Hurt my back a couple of weeks ago, which seems to have really multiplied my hormonal issues x10.

    I'd really like to be living life to the fullest, not being exhausted/in pain/nauseous/in fear. All that takes so much energy.

    Here's wishing peace and energy to you!

  • Posted

    I am blown away, and super sad, by the way most doctors (don't!!) address this. And it is even harder when its a woman, I think. I am tired of going to the doctor, and being looked at like I am crazy. THIS IS REAL, and for some of us it really stinks!!

    Hang in there!!!!

  • Posted

    my advice would be to join the facebook group The Menopause support network, you will find lots of support x

  • Posted

    Hi anxiousface,

    Have you considered looking into alternative, holistic doctor? You hear the same thing over and over again on these boards that their GP doesn't seem to know what their doing or don't know what to do at all. Sometimes just blowing off the symptoms as " you must be depressed " and then offer an array of anti depressants, anti anxiety pills, sleeping pills etc. Some women never had depression in their life and now all of a sudden after menopause hits were all depressed and in need of anti depressants. hmm. The reason I'm saying this is my own GP, which was a woman in her 40's pretty much did the same thing. A woman doctor doesn't get it either unless they have hit that time in their life. I did a lot of research on my own and pretty much made my decision about getting on bio identical hormone replacement. I didn't expect my GP to be on board with my decision because that is not what they've been taught in med school. They link all hormone replacement as taboo even bio identical because they just haven't studied them. I too had my last period in May of 2015 and in November of 2015 I went to a holistic doctor well versed in hormone replacement. I can't stress enough, getting the "right" doctor is the difference between success and failure of hormone replacement. It isn't a one size fits all and that's why so many women don't have good results right out of the starting block. It isn't covered by insurance and that is what deters most people from seeking it but I will tell you from my own experience it has been a life changer for me. I started with bio identical creams and now doing pellets. I wanted my life back like I once knew it before menopause and I found it. I've never looked back. Will stay on hormone replacement the rest of my life. There is no reason so many women have to suffer. Even for women that can't do estrogen replacement should find some relief in testosterone supplementation. Men need to keep their hormones up too. They have problems of their own when their hormones tank. They are less active, spend more time in front of tv, nap more often ,muscle mass goes down the tubes and even sex becomes a distant memory for many of them. Hope this helps.

    • Posted

      thank you to all fir your replies and support i do appreciate it.

      unfortunatley i can't have HRT as i already have a hormone problem with a Pituarty tumour so i was hit twice as hard with meno .


  • Posted

    Same with my Dr

    She told all in ur mind and gave me antidepressant medicines and sleeping pills

    She told ur too early for menopause..i am 39 year old and having all this from last year..... she told its PMS ....for menopause wait for 4 or 5 years.

    i am having all classical symptoms for peri from last year....i told all symptoms r in internet and i have all..she told donot look internet more 😭😭....

    suffering alot and these Dr have no idea about meno.

    From reading many articles in internet and reading ur posts and discussing with u all here i think i know more about meno than my Dr 🤭🤭

    I personally feel who undergo Peri symptoms know better than these Dr who donot have any idea ...and tell us we r depressed .

    Thanks to this forum and all my dear friends here..because of u all i feel little relaxed that its not me alone..i am not mad.....its we all stuggling and suffering ..its difficult phase of life ..and will go ..Trust God .Pray to God .

    Hang is there


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