IUD Non-hormonal Copper Coil Side Effects?
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Hi everyone,
I'm 34, no children, had a T-Safe copper coil fitted about 7 months ago after taking COC for almost 6 years (Dianette, Cerazette, Yasmin). I had no problem with the coil, just slight discomfort and spotting after insertion and heavier and longer periods which doesn't bother me, at least they are regular. What bothers me is how I feel 1-2 weeks before the period: uncontrollable mood swings, anxiety, panic attacks, low sex drive, sleeplessness. I was told that having the non-hormonal coil means you have none of those symptoms but mine seem to get worse.
I'm not sure if it's the coil or something else, but I'm not happy and not sure how to control the symptoms. GP has been unhelpful, I'm not sure who else ask for advice
Please help, any advice will be much appreciated.
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lynsey98423 pearlcaramel
I have done some research on the copper coil after having it in for a year & finding the
bleeding & stomach pain becoming unbearable. I was loosing so much blood that my
I had to be prescribed iron tablets & have internal investigations done to rule out anything sinister . I'm having the copper coil removed on Monday as I think I'm reacting to the copper ( I had it in because I'm very sensitive to synthetic hormones & thought this would b a safer option) .
I've had the following reactions : anxiety / panic attacks/ hair loss/ weakened immunity / adrenal rushes / heart palpatations / nausea
I've read that the copper can react in the body like a caffeine rush & upsets your hormonal balance. For this reason I'm having it taken out.
It may not be a hormonal contraceptive but it certainly messed up my hormones in my
opinion !
Hope this helps- go with your instincts - you know your body better than any doctor!
chelsea_1406 lynsey98423
I was wondering if you could describe the heart palpitations. I have been having anxiety issues and heart palpitations and I'm worried it may be related to my copper coil. I was just curious if you heart palpitations were similar to what I have been experiencing.
laura70027 pearlcaramel
l Hi i had the copper coil fitted about 6 months ago , and i have been suffering with depression and panic attacks also i have breast pains and cramping pains, always bloated and no sex drive i just wounder Has any One else felt this way im due to get it out tomorrow but tbh im feeling a Little scared of a mood crash afterwards im only 21 and i feel not how a 21 yr old should so Can anyone give Me some feed back plz x
laura70027 pearlcaramel
laurie_47620 pearlcaramel
Within 48 hours of having the IUD inserted, I had a distinct yellow hue on my face, which was pointed out to me by others. It faded soon after. After those first two days, the roller coaster started. Symptoms included: depression (suicidal thoughts), anxiety, moodiness, over-sensitivity, weight gain, bloated face, increased appetite, "stress eating," heavy bleeding and cramping, lines on my face, muscle weakness, fatigue, brain fog, inability to make even the smallest decisions, inability to plan two steps ahead, inability to think creatively, and feeling totally overwhelmed. I cried all the time. This was very unlike me. I am not prone to depression.
I tried to take zinc, thinking it would counter the copper. I stopped taking it, however, because zinc made all the symptoms worse. Finally, after having the IUD removed, all my symptoms went away within a few weeks. I didn't do anything special. I just did my normal routine of a low-fat plant-based diet, jogging, and meditation. I do not take a multivitamin, which contains zinc. Instead, I take only B12, iodine, Vitamin D, and DHA.
The medical establishment thinks it's impossible to have copper toxicity from the IUD, but I disagree. If my side effects were caused by hormonal changes, I think it would have taken longer to recover. (The copper IUD does, in fact, affect hormone regulation because it promotes the release of prostaglandins.)
I wonder how many women with the IUD are also taking antidepressants. How many are trying to lose weight to no avail and blaming themselves? How many are feeling tired, weak, and numb? I wish I could warn all women against this device.
janice86226 laurie_47620
Good Morning,
I just read your thread as i recently had my Copper IUD out and I cannot believe how similar our experience of it was. I went through most of your side effects and I was absolutely beside myself with the weight loss. I was working out and on a low carbs diet and my weight practically stayed the same for two months and I didn't understand how this could be possible, as I tend to lose weight quickly once I start. Yet nothing was happening, the scales remained the same!!!
Since having it removed, I'm feeling like my old self again. I'm even going to the loo regularly, like I was before having it and I don't feel bloated. I honestly thought it was just me, but something told me to get it removed.
So thank you so much for sharing and for everyone's thread, because now I know it was that!
And the above comment was also correct G.Ps are useless and I think some further investigation should done around this copper coil, surveying a bunch of women, on their own personal experience would a good start!
natallia04776 laurie_47620
Hi, Laurie!
Very interesting. I've had it after my son and already being for 3, 6 after my daughter and all those moody things I'm having now but I put it down to perimenopause. I'm 43. Any way. Blood test is fine and doctor said I'm fine and no perimenopause. What worries me little spots right in the middle of my periodstrange. Going to have ultra scan this Saturday.
Any one else experience spotting because of the coil?
Many thanks.
marissa52158 laurie_47620
Thank you for posting this.... My reaction has been similar to yours. My gut tells me my IUD caused my depression and anxiety, but my doctors and therapist say otherwise. The problem is, I have had a diagnosis of depression and anxiety in the past (as a teenager/college student). I was bulimic at the time (which also messes up your hormones......). So... I want to get my IUD out soon. I have been wanting to get it out for over a year. I started taking Zoloft several months ago, and it has helped with the depression and anxiety. But... I still feel uncertain. Insomnia from the Zoloft. Cannot take many sleep meds as they cause their own side effects. Bloating and weight gain. Is it from IUD? I weigh maybe 12 pounds more by this point than when I got the IUD inserted. My weight had been stable before that. I've also had life circumstances that could have contributed, though. Stress. Low income. Correlation and causation. It can be so hard to know how to help oneself.
mary27278 laurie_47620
Hi Laurie..i know this post is two years old, but I have a copper IUD and going through perimenopause. I do believe the IUD is worsening my symptons. I have crazy anxiety and panic attacks. It seem to be a daily ongoing thing.Muscle weakness, fatigue, loss of weight, digestive problems, no control of my body at all.
I've had the IUD the first time for 10 yrs, with no problem except heavier bleeding
It actually regulated my periods. I got another one about 2 yrs. Ago and since I've started perimenopause Its been a daily challenge. I think it's from the IUD.
I came across this post and mow it makes me more certain.
A.McK natallia04776
Hi natallia04776, I'm 38 and I have had 2 periods per month for 2 1/2 yrs with the copper coil iud. Lots of random spotting. All the symptoms the women on here list as well. I'm scheduled to get mine out in the morning. I'm feeling hopeful! :-)
callie68668 pearlcaramel
I'm 19 and got the copper coil inserted last month. It wasn't fully my decision to get it. My mother had been pushing me to get it because she was worried I would get pregnant. Both of my sisters have it and both experienced mood swings but after 3 months the mood swings dissapaited. I know I'm only a month in but I've been having bad cramps, mood swings as well as lack of drive. I am naucious a majority of the time as well. I have been depressed for no apparent reason and on the flip of a coin, I'll be laughing and giggling.
Today I went in to see the doctor who inserted my IUD for the follow-up appointment. When I told her that I had been having mood swings she said there is no proof that the copper coil causes mood swings. I told her about how both my sisters had mood swings she reccomended that I wait another month or two and see if my hormones settle down. If not then she reccomended that I get it removed.
That's all the information I could give you. Hope it was helpful.
kate79775 pearlcaramel
I hate copper iud it's horrible I thought I was losing my mind but turns out that my mood swings and my low sex drive is from the iud and I'm getting it removed idk what else I'm going to end up using but I don't want to get pregnant
but I think all ur symptoms r from the iud cuz I'm feeling the same way and I have it in
manar70773 kate79775
OMG ladies you are a blessing!
I am 31 years old and I hade the IUD inserted 9 months ago and it is driving me crazy.
For the 1st 5 months I used to have a 15 days long period with bleeding for 3 more days in between.
Headaches and backaches are killing me
Mood swings and depression
Also low sex drive
I feel bloated and I gained about 2kgs and I can't loose any wait no matter what.
I have food cravings and I eat a lot since I always feel stressed.
I have just talked with my husband tonight that I want to visit my dr to get it removed and discuss other birth control options.
How come bo researches ever found out about these side effects and how common it is?!!!
Thanks so much for each and every one of you for sharing this.
You made me feel normal again!
natallia04776 kate79775
Hi Kate! I feel the same what can we do? I can't get pregnant any more. I am done. 2 kids are enough for us.
colleen68908 manar70773
Oh my gosh, this is me!! I'm having mine taken out next week. Crazy that after 9 months the headaches, mood swings and heart palpitations kicked in big time and I don't even feel like myself anymore! It's been affecting my relationship, so it's time to get this thing out!! Thanks for posting this- it makes me feel a little less crazy!
brittani_99306 colleen68908
I totally get where you are coming from. I can't control the anger inside me. The mood swings are so bad that I get really bad headaches. I can't do it anymore. It is affecting my relationship with my husband and kids because they all think I am going crazy. I got this, so I could be free from the hormones. I guess that is wrong.
chelsea_1406 colleen68908
I was wondering if you could explain you heart palpitations. I have been having them and I'm wondering if they could be caused by my copper uid. My heart just races for no reason and often times it wakes me up from a sound sleep. Is this similar to what you experienced?
dymphna2703 chelsea_1406
I have had a very similar experience recently. I had the copper IUD in for 6 weeks and then started getting heart palpitations and they woke me up when I was sleeping. My doctor said that it couldn't be the copper coil as it is non-hormonal. I decided to remove it last week, I am still experiencing the palpitations so have been put on betablockers. I was wondering if anyone knew whether these palpitations go once your hormones regulate again?