Ive been depressed for at least twelve months please help
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After a full hysterectomy due to fibroids & ovary cysts I've been on HRT for ten years and suffered with mood swings and depression the last 12 months have been downhill to the point of not being able to get out of bed in the morning, work is suffering, I have no interest in anything and struggle every day, please help
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sue58256 sharon55555
have you thought about going on antidepressants my love? even a low dose might help im on citalopram and they help me they do have side affects for the first few weeks so you would have to bear with it they will make you feel worse but that is because the antidepressants replace the old serotonin with the new "feel good cells" we need to make us feel happy and uplifted. once they kick in they do work you dont have to keep suffering if not get hold of a good aromatherapist who will make you oils for your depression good luck and you can always count on this forum for support its been a god send to me
Jokey sharon55555
Sue is right you probably need some antidepressants to see you through.
You need to feel better so do not put it off any longer. Let us know how
You get on.
All the very best to you.
kelly55079 sharon55555
carol62649 sharon55555
Hi Sharon,,
so sorry to hear you are struggling through a hard time, i am the same after a gallbladder op. Did you know that surgery often causes depression? Lots of reports of women having depression after a hysto, any surgery can do it. the stress on our bodies is enormous. After my hysto i was fine no problems, but this surgery caused me to hit the brick wall, im now trying my third lot of ad meds. I do agree with other ladies you need some help, do not try and cope alone, meds will definately help you. The first few weeks of taking them may be rough but once the meds are in your system im sure you will benefit! Sending you hugs 🌷