ive been really bloated for about 6weeks

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I went to doctors about 6 weeks ago with bloatedness feeling sick,dizzy and back pain.they gave me sickness tablets and some for bloatin nothings worked.its gradually been getting worse my stomach feels like iam 9month pregnant which iam not.organs feel like squashed up the top and been getting lot pressure by my hips and on bladder.now ive had ultrasound scan today and he said everything looks fine.iam confused as to what wrong any advice please

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23 Replies

  • Posted

    Poor you Lynne69494! Sounds like your situation is worse than mine. I would love to lose weight, it's piled on since knee replacements and spinal surgery. The whole thing has changed me completely and I'm not enjoying my life very much these days. Nice talking to you both, I'll come back with more info on any treatment/s. 😊
  • Posted

    Hi thanks, we battle on, with symptoms, and docs, might add the only posative for me was losing weight, l8lbs, as l was 3 stone oweight before, it would have been more but the little l do eat is all high carb, and l,m not as active, but what a way to lose it.  It also affects my breathing, at worst stood or preferable sat gasping, so now meds want to do review on my chest, but its the bloating and nausea more disabling, but typical response.  Oddly going in taxi for appt this week and driver told me he,s been diagnosed with apnea and needs mask, driver on way back acid and used omprazole years, omg is anyone normal.  Also relate to the sick to death of it, when it goes on an age, l,ll look up the gas x site.  Really hope you all get improvement soon, and post again when you do. Take care.
    • Posted

      You take care to.if you try the tablets let me no if any good.hopefully we all get somewhere soon.x

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