ive been suffering with fatigue for over 2 years, any tips on how to cope?

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hello, i am 20 and since the age of 17 i have been suffering with fatigue. in 2016 i was diagnosed with glandular fever which cased me extreme tiredness and also a vitamin d deficiency, i have since then never been able to shake the exhaustion. For the last year and a half i have had constant blood tests and tests for illnesses, including a kidney and a bone disease, but these have all come back negative and stated i am 'fine'.

i have periods of time where i am more tired than others, and i frequently experience muscle pain, difficulty sleeping, headaches, i also find it hard to concentrate or remember things sometimes.

i have been back and fourth to my doctor, and have even asked if it could be CFS, but he has never given me a direct answer.

i am finding it hard to deal with the exhaustion and pain, i cant remember a time i wasnt tired! its having an impact on my work life and social life.

any suggestions on how to deal with the tiredness would be great!

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7 Replies

  • Posted

    have you done tests for lyme epstein barr parasites and hvv6?

    you probably have but it took me 6 different drs and blood tests to finally get a diagnosis.

    sorry you are suffering i know how it limits your life ... its all a nightmare !

    • Posted

      ive had almost every test under the sun, but everything keeps coming back clear and 'normal', i guess it might be worth getting a second opinion from another GP, thank you!

    • Posted

      i had many many blood tests all showed i was healthy .... but feeling absolutely awful. i thought it was just hormones fluctuating so continued with heavy workouts . finally after a lightbulb moment asked for an ebv lyme etc tests and sure enough came back positive for ebv., you have to be your own advocate as drs dont know everything. even the er room didnt catch it . so ask for the test !

  • Posted

    Hi Morgan,

    are you in the UK? if so ask your gp for a referral to the nearest cfs/me specialist service as all your tests are coming back clear and it sounds like it is cfs/me. they can offer you advice and support on how to deal with symptoms as well as tell you if they suspect the condition.


    • Posted

      this seems like a great idea! ive heard that they dont usually diagnose cfs to people my age, will see if my gp can refer me! thanks!

    • Posted

      Hi Morgan,

      They diagnose children so not sure why you've heard they don't usually diagnose at your age.

      Hope you get some help soon.


  • Posted

    Morgan. I'm 64. most my life CFS plus fibermyalgia. find a job working from your cell like real estate of some sort. buy memory foam from Amazon. 4 3inch thick sheets on floor for relief of joint pain to sleep. take soma half hour before bed and sleep and your brain will sleep soundly. fight your way into pain clinic. takes months to climb that ladder. buy world class bidet to screw on top your toilet for unlimited warm water. Stay out of heat. 74 degrees is perfect temperature for comfort. Terry

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