Ive had nausea in about two years.

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Hi, I’m a girl that soon becomes fifteen and I’ve dealt with nausea since the age of thirteen. It all started back to when I got into a fandom and Everytime I would hear about it see it, I would feel a mild excitement in my belly. A month or two after I left the community, but for some reason I was still having weird feelings and they only seemed to have gotten worse. This nausea is just there, I rarely vomit. Like, it’s really rare. I went to the doctors and ever since that they have tested my blood that just came out neutral and fed me pills that never worked. I’m really desperate to get rid of this, because it’s preventing from a lot of things that I love. It’s not acid reflux since the pills aren’t working. Not just nausea because, nausea pills aren’t working either, isn’t anything with ulcer... the doctors told me there might be too much acid in my stomach but the prescription was wack and just a good for nothing. The doctors keeps trying and my parents keep trying, I’m so desperate for this nightmare to go away. I refuse to believe it’s hormones, because nobody else I know is going through the same. Keep in mind I’m soon fifteen and I keep dealing with this, I want it gone once in for all. Please help me.

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9 Replies

  • Posted

    Have the doctors done an endoscopy?
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      Push to go to a gastroenterologist. They specialize in the kind of issues you’re having.
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    Make  sure you are eating a balanced diet, eat regularly, get enough water, calcium and try to stay away from sugar. 

    I would also suggest to take a multivitamin supplement to make sure your body gets all vitamins needed. A multivitamin supplement usually doesn’t have Calcium and magnesium. Make sure you get that through food. 

    • Posted

      Okay thanks. I must say I have quite the appetite for sweetened stuff, I will try my very best. But, just to be sure, how much sugar would my limit be in your opinion?
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      Sugar feeds the bad bacteria in your digestive tract and it can mess up your glucose levels what could make you happy.

      So maybe you should take a probiotic that helps with craving sweets and just try to limit it half of what you eat and then try to limit it more.. just always remember.. it's those little bad bacteria that make you eat it... not your taste buds or anything else.. and if you crave things with added sugars just take an apple or any other fruit

  • Posted

    Try a food diary to see if you have a food intolerance.  What is a fandom?
    • Posted

      I will. A fandom is something you idolize could be a band, video games maybe a book series. A fandom is some sort of community where you are to talk to other people that shares the same interests as you. 

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