ive had throat pain for the past few months and its getting worse

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hi, around 6 months ago i started needing to constantly clear my throat. it was a feeling of slight mucus buildup i guess. it starts with a warm sickly sensation starting in the stomach and over the past few months it has progressed to constant pain in my throat. this pain is exacerbated while swallowing or speaking. i am having to force myself to refrain from speaking when unnecessary because of the pain. its worsened after eating which i realize points to gerd/indigestion i went to se my doctor about a month into this and was prescribed omeprazole. this seemed to help with the warm sickly feeling but left me feeling really tired and can barely eat anything without feeling bloated and the throat pain is still getting worse. so i went to an ENT about 3 months ago to try and gather insight and he almost instantly suggested i see a therapist. but after explaining my symptomts adamantly he prescribed me with ranitidine, which was about as useful as the omeprazole - not very. so ive pretty much been guzzling down gaviscon after every meal and omeprazole and ranitidine as prescribed but my throat pain has become so bad i refuse to speak most of the time. its very hard to get across to people my condition and its starting to take a toll on my mental wellbeing. it feels like im burning alive from acid. my referrals for a gastroscopy keep getting declined. im not sure what to do

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10 Replies

  • Posted

    i had exactly same symptoms as you for a couple of years and the doctor prescribed lansoprazole and gaviscon which relieved it but always came back with a vengeance if i stopped taking them. Then one day i rang for my usual prescription of lansoprazole the doctors said i should go in to see themas i had been on them for a while. i got a different doctor and he said he would give me the tablets but he didn't want me to take them and to try something different. He told me to have my tea at 5 and only have a small serving then dont eat after that and only drink water after 5 . After a couple of days of doing that i was basically cured . People at work and family soon noticed i had stopped clearing my throat all the time and the acid and sore throat all went. I also stopped feeling tired all the time. Couldn't believe how something so simple could cure it.

    I hope you find your own method of dealing with it.

    • Posted

      i eat about 3 hrs before going to bed but maybe ill try eating even earlier. even eating during the day worsens symptoms so i tend to eat as little as possible. when i eat it burns. when i dont eat im left with the soreness.

  • Posted

    What have the doctors diagnosed? Is looks as if they are treating you for acid reflux.I think you need to insist for further test until you are given a diagnosis that is understandable and treatable.

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      it seems the more i insist the more they insinuate its psychosomatic. its annoying because of course stress can worsen almost anything but when the base symptoms are this bad there must be something else going on. the pain causes more stress which is potentially worsening symptoms, but without at least identifying the root cause im stuck in that cycle. even the fact that ive seen a few different doctors about it just makes them think im a hypochondriac or something. maybe it is simply explainable chronic reflux, and nothing can be done. my bloods come back fine every time. but it would be nice if they at least made some sort of attempt to rule anything else out. maybe because im young (20) and otherwise healthy, they think there couldn't possibly be anything sinister going on inside me.

  • Posted

    I can relate, I had throat issues too. Have you changed your diet? Also elevate your head when you sleep at night so acid doesn't come up into the throat. I find diet is huge, if I eat bad the lump in throat feeling is worse. I'm on a PPI also, feel like it doesn't help much. I agree, it does take a toll on your mental health. Hope you get it sorted out. I'm trying to do the same.

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      yeah the foods that burn the least seem to be certain legumes, vegetables and fruit, and a little lean meat. my diet is pretty much rice, lentils, lean meats, salad and fruit. the burning isnt as bad as when it first came on but its still there and the pain in my throat is slowly worsening. i feel like if i can get the burning to stop for a while the throat will heal but even omeprazole doesnt stop it completely. im going to ask for a different ppi.

  • Posted

    Hi astroreflux

    You may need an endoscopy to be tested for H.Pylori or other stomach parasite that may be causing the burning sensation in your stomach and throat. Can you go back to your doctor and ask to be referred for an endoscopy as a second opinion. If you are a UK resident you are entitled to a second opinion. Don't give up go back to your doctor and say the medication is not helping......

    • Posted

      i tested negative for h pylori. there is inflammation at the back of my throat but obviously the doc cant look down further and gastroscopy through public health keeps getting declined. ill keep asking for more referrals i guess until i can get one bc i cant afford to get it done privately.

    • Posted

      Hi astroreflux

      Oh i see. Do you think you may have an infection in your throat caused by the acid reflux burning your throat and may need a course of antibiotics. Perhaps it would be a good move to try AB's to see if it is an infection your dealing with....

  • Posted

    im the dame boat as you, for around 6 months ive been getting bad acid reflux even after changing diet and hitting the gym i still get it.

    omeprazole didnt work and the doctor told me 50% of people it does nothing to relieve symptoms.

    gaviscon helps but only for a limited time, ive been refered for an endoscopy as they suspect i may have a hiatus hernia which is why no amount of tablets are working.

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