Jaw and ear pain
Posted , 11 users are following.
Hi ladies has anyone also have ear and jaw pain some times it feel like you're teeth are hurting.
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Posted , 11 users are following.
Hi ladies has anyone also have ear and jaw pain some times it feel like you're teeth are hurting.
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angie58226 jacqueline06286
angie58226 jacqueline06286
robin86 jacqueline06286
mel11237 jacqueline06286
Hi I have this right now! Have had it for a week. The pain goes around my jaw into my temple, teeth and then into my ear. It's such an irritating pain, just a constant ache. The earache is horrid.I also get neck tension which goes up into the back of my head. Not sure what causes it all but worse in the mornings. I may clench my jaw in the night. I tend to get up feeling like I've ran a marathon or a long session at the gym.
I can't take anything as I've had breast cancer. I'm going to try the lady care magnet.
trinity03 jacqueline06286
elaine62759 jacqueline06286
angie58226 jacqueline06286
Hi, ok this might sound really crazy but I’m going to share anyway. I get jaw tightness and it affects my ears, neck , jaw, teeth etc. I had seen on Dr.OZ’s show that he had a reliever for this. He himself suffers from jaw tightness and clenching. He takes a Champaign or Wine cork and puts it between his teeth and leaves it there for a while. It truly works!!! It takes away pressure and you don’t realize how tight your jaw is until you stretch it out with the cork. I like a Champaign cork because it’s wider. You want to put in in upright, not sideways. You need to find a cork that has a snug fit as well. If it’s too short it’s going to slide in with ease and not do anything. I keep it between my front teeth until the saliva builds up and take it out. I do it a couple of times and it’s amazing how relaxed and less tight your jaw feels. I keep them all over my house andin my car. Dr. OZ said the same thing. He puts one in while he drives, lol. I do as well, especially after work on my way home. People will stay out of your way on the road if they see you with a cork in your mouth, lol. Give it a try and see if it helps😊
maddysmom2015 jacqueline06286
I had/have this exact same thing. As Angie said, it can feel like I have an ear infection!
This was actually a simple thing. I clench my jaw while I sleep. It's stress-induced and started actually in grad school. I insisted at campus health services I had an ear infection because my ear hurt so badly. Nope, just clenching from stress!
Sometimes it hurts not just my jaw, ear and face, but down into my rotator cuff of my shoulder.
A bite guard from my dentist fixed the problem. It wasn't too expensive--about $300 USD. I wear it every night like a baby with a pacifier. The quality of my sleep improved incredibly! If I happen to fall asleep without it, I definitely feel it. My jaw feels like lead.
It's worth asking your dentist about it. Some US pharmacies have a 'make it yourself' bite guard kit. But the real one is much, much better. Before I got braces (2016) I had the same bite guard for a decade. So it was money well spent.
vicky42722 jacqueline06286
I know that it has been 2 yrs since you posted about your ear jaw and teeth pain. I am experiencing the same symptoms as you had and I was wondering if yours ever got better and how long did it take and was it associated with menopause?
lisa07272 vicky42722
Hi Vicky,
Just seen your post and was wondering if your pains are any better, I have had awful jaw, toothache, been to dentist he said everything looks ok apart from gums are a bit inflamed, which seems to be the case since I have been in menopause. The pains come and go but sometimes its unbearable it goes right up to my left ear, I hate it. I was just wondering if it is another symptom of this menopause battle x
hopeforever lisa07272
Hello Lisa curious to know how you are feeling ? Over the weekend i developed right ear pain, jaw pain, lower teeth pain and bottom teeth pain. Also pain in my right gland. I went to the dentist on Monday and Dr said everything is ok. I am in such agonizing pain, especially at night. I s this hell menopause related ? God help us , does this ever end
lisa07272 hopeforever
Hi Hopeforever,
I have been so fed up, the dentist said teeth look ok, but gum was a bit inflammed. I seem to have sensitive gums since being in the menopause, then dentist said he could give me antibiotics to see if it helps, it did a bit but still get the pains on and off some days it keeps me awake most of the night so I know how you feel. I am thinking it is to do with anxiety and the menopause. It aches all up to my ear. Its seems like its one thing after another with this menopause. Hope you feel better soon, sometimes putting a heat pack under your pillow helps a bit x
hopeforever lisa07272
Lisa, words cannot explain what i am feeling right now. My jaw ear pain so painful at times i cry. I started taking antobiotic ear drops but seems not to help. I pray to God this is not going to last much longer. Thank you so much for your reply, it does help knowing someone is in the same boat as me. Take care
lisa07272 hopeforever
really hope you feel better soon, do you suffer with anxiety, as I know that sometimes when we are anxious we grind our teeth at night which can cause jaw/teeth pain, I also found out that sleeping on our hand/arm can cause the pain too. stay strong x
hopeforever jacqueline06286
I am going through this discomfort at this very moment. Right ear pain, leading down to my jaw and glands. Went to the dentist yesterday and nothing. Nothing seems to help. I cried last night because of how much pain i was in. I hope this leaves soon