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I'm so glad I have found this thread.... I feel so alone, my husband is very understanding and supportive though and it helps so much but the symptoms of trembling, tremors, jittery, pulsating in body, headaches and anxiety are taking over my life, does anybody else feel this way?

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13 Replies

  • Posted

    Yes. But I found out that peri reactivated EBV in me. And this is what's causing my symptoms, not the peri. 

  • Posted

    Yes. It is anxiety disorder. I also got tingling feet and sometimes hands. Three months ago it began. I was also nauseated in the mornings. I was shocked to be told by my Dr that it was anxiety. I thought I had MS or something. He put me on .5 mg once a day of Xanax xr. It helps a lot. I was super upset to take it. I cannot drink alcohol with it and coffee is bad for anxiety so I am probably healthier, lol. In September I will begin cognitive behavioral therapy which is supposed to help a lot and within 10-15 sessions, do its job. Then I hope to slowly get off the Xanax. In the meantime, magnesium supplements before sleep do help, exercise helps and so does watching self hypnosis for anxiety on YouTube. You can find one or a few that you like. It is calming. All this helps control the cortisol and adrenaline that cause the jitters and etc. Even just jogging in place as exercise is good. Hope it helps. Xx
  • Posted

    Hi there and welcome. I do sometimes feel jittery but it's really weird, it almost feels as though it's my insides that feel that way but I onlyusually feel like that if I've had anything alcoholic though not all the time!! As for headaches, I go through stages where I have them a lot or go for ages without any. Mind you the other morning in the early hours, my head felt like it was coming off, my brain felt like it was pounding, it was awful. I just take paracetamol and Ibubrofen and hope for the best. Have you tried any meditation stuff for the anxiety? I once bought some podcasts call Slimpods and I got a free chill out podcast with it. The guy's voice is amazing, I tend to listen to it before I go to sleep and find myself drifiting off because of his voice lol. I really need to learn to meditate and switch off, I'm great at anding out advice but rubbish at practising what I preach!! Give it a try x

  • Posted

    Jitters.. shaking trembling inside and out .. anxiety etc.. all part of peri. The lack of hormones has quite a marked effect on the brain and its ability to regulate chemicals like seratonin .. THis why we get all these weird issues at this time its mostly nurological .. Anxiety is also part of it, but obviously we add more of our own anxiety due to the fact we are already sensitised and been overwhelemed with all the weird symptoms.  you will find it comes and goes.. gets worse around period and ovualtion . alot of women on here have the same issues  and feel just as lost as you. I do too but it is getting easier with time and also comming on here to chat and compare notes with others. You soon realise its not you.. just what our hormones are putting us through.
  • Posted

    hi im 49 in confirmed peri and feel exactly the same this month has been very bad over period time an ovulation i get anxiety out of no where.... feels like insides are shaking then like body is racing.... horrible pressure on my chest that comes an goes and insomnia.... i was on Trepiline which i stopped December but starting now again.... an i use Azor when anxiety too bad it really helps Magnesium also helps at night... we got to do...what we got to do... to cope during this time.... Strongs
  • Posted

    Hi darl, yes been going through this for over a year now. On hrt patches and it is helping x
  • Posted

    Yes, I had an ovary removed this past winter and even though I was told it wouldn't effect my hormones, I could feel it almost immediately. Anxiety, jittery, insomnia, night sweats. Nothing seemed to help until a new doctor asked me to try a low dose birth control. It's definitely not a perfect solution, but it has helped all of the symptoms above. Good luck. I'm sorry you're feeling this way-- I know it's not easy. 

  • Posted

    Hi Jamie,

    So sorry to hear you've joined us, but there is always someone here to listen. I've got all your symptoms and more. I think the anxiety is the worst of all, but i found reading the 66 menopause symptoms on this site made me relax, we're not dying or going mad. Its just another thing we have to deal with but at least we've all got each other. 

  • Posted

    Hi yes all part of the package very much what I have been through it will stop with time , try to ignore it or will send you mad like I have..you feel all sorts I'm the menopause because of hormones doing own thing we got no control unti the body adjust,I'm better then I was mixing and going to meet people again although I'm not out of the woods yet you are going to be fine always remember there's nothing wrong with you and it will subside with time.

  • Posted

    I pulse all over my body an vibrate inside my body I currently have gallstones an pcos I wonder if i am going through premenopause my mum was only 29 when she started her an they say it can be passed on would love peoples views syptoms


    Bloating (maybe gallstones)

    Periods used to be phew an fat between now there heavy an regular oy last 4 days am clots

    Pulse all over my body

    Inside vibration

    Moody and anexity

    I can cry really easy

    My eyes burn wh2m they water (dry eyes)

    Swollen ankles

    Itchy dry skin

    Crave sugar

    Sleeping problem

    My hair falling out

    Difficulty with breathing like I can't breath through upper abdomin

    Stiff neck on the right side

    Clicking bones

    Tingly legs an hands

    U wee all the time a lot in the morning after one coffee.

    Spots on face

    Burning feel in my arms an my neck an face goes warm

    Boils on my breats an groin with rashes

    God the list is endless please some one tell me there stories an i know some is gallstones

    Many thanks people an sorry for the long letter x

    • Posted

      Hi Hun have all of the above except the boils and more seems to get added to the list as time goes on currently experiencing the internal shakiness and heart beating so hard am in panick mode today as the heart one is new . It is somewhat comforting to know that other women are going through the same thing so it's not all in my mind although I would not wish this on anyone ??

  • Posted

    Hi Jamie just joined this site as I am at the end of my rope. All I can say to you is I feel your pain I have had every sort of symptom associated with perimenopause .  I have just gone through a period of two weeks with constant headaches and am now experiencing what I can only describe as internal shaking in my stomach and also what feels like heart palps or fluttering my hot flushes have returned after being free of them for a few months I am one anxiety ridden woman as I fear there is something really wrong it is so hard to realise that these are probably symptoms of menopause. I do get what you are going through so you are definitely not alone ????

  • Posted

    Hi ladies.  I too experience tingling and shakiness which is very worrying.  My fingers shake and I'm experiencing a weird throbbing sensation in my upper arms which is alarming to say the least.  I sometimes get shocks in different parts of my body which my dr put down to anxiety yet I don't feel stressed.  I haven't come across other ladies on the forum experiencing shaky fingers or throbbing arms so my fear is that I may have a some serious illness.  Please help.

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