Joint pain!!

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I am really worried because my joint pain has gotten worse and I hurt all over now. It all started in my shoulders now its in my hands,wrist,fingers,knees ,feet,ankles, you name it!! I am afraid to go to the Dr... I went when this all began and she told me she thought it wa Rheumatoid Arthritis and she referred me to a Rheumatolgist which Inever went to see.Ihave googled my symptoms and that was a bad idea because now I cant stop worrying about what it may or maynot be.

I have been dealing with this pain for five years and its not getting better!!

I have read many posts on joint pain, just wondering has anyone been in this much pain? I read alot of posts that say its all menopause related but I dont remember my Mom ever complaining of pain.

this is horrible!!**

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5 Replies

  • Posted

    i have daily pain in my hands , knees , legs and feet and lower back. It started about 4 or 5 years ago. PERI is doing a job on me big time

  • Posted

    Yes me too. Terrible joint pain and stiffness. Mine was that bad after numerous appointments with doctors I had to have a hip replacement at 48. Now my other hip has started aswell. My back is in agony all the time also my shoulders, and my legs. Knees. It's literally all over. So yes I know exactly how you feel. My body feels like it's about 20 years older than I actually am. Menopause is kicking my arse x

  • Posted

    Sorry you have this too, I agree it is awful... I started with joint pain around 5 yrs ago, one if my first symptoms. It started in my shoulders and elbows and now seems all over! If I squat down I can hardly get back up again and my strength seems to have totally diminished!

    I started on HRT which didn't suit me but did help the joint pain... I came off it around a moth ago and wow, my joint pain has returned big time so I've now just started on a new HRT regime. Not sure how i'll get on with it yet!!

    I'm also using multi vits, magnesium, b vits, vit d & evening primrose... anything to try & help!

    Love to hear if others are having any success with this issue as it's totally debilitating and makes daily life such a struggle. I'm 47. 😦

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    It depends on the day. Comes and goes.

    I think you should see that doc, he will likely order a blood test to see if you have RA. But I think its unlikely if you dont have redness and swelling that accompanies the pain.

  • Posted

    Thank you LADIES,for your quick response to my post... Thank God,I feel much better today and yes some days are worse than others!! Iam so thankful for this site and knowing that you are not the only one feeling all these crazy changes in your body really does help ease some of the fear and anxiety.

    I guess I need to overcome this fear and make that appt. to see the Rheumatologist..

    Thanks again and hope everyone has a blessed day!!

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