Joint Pain

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3 months ago started with pain in the joints in my fingers (both hands).  Gradually it has got worse, same pain in toes, and ankles now as well.  Still the fingers are the worst.  Went to my doc, they did blood tests, hand xrays.  Although a couple of my blood tests were slightly raised doc said nothing to worry about.  I wake up most nights in pain from my fingers.  I am finding it hard to concentrate at work. Ibuprofen takes the edge off the pain but it certainly doesn’t take the pain away.  I also now have trigger finger on middle finger of right hand (could this be connected?) 

Doctor has now referred me to rheumatology but there is at least a 13 week wait.   Any ideas on what this could be? 

Thanks in advance


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7 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi.  I’m sorry there is such a wait to see a Rheumatologist   Your symptoms sound very similar to mine when I first saw my doctor.  I was eventually diagnosed with sero negative inflammatory arthritis    I understand from my Rheumatologist that CRP blood levels are not always raised in some people which was what happened in my case.  I have trigger fingers on the index fingers of both hands and my dr states this is connected to inflammatory arthritis.   As regards the pain in your hands waking you at night - have you tried wearing oedema gloves in bed ?   You may find they will help a lot. I certainly get relief from them.  You can get them from Amazon they are not very dear I think I paid £10 for mine.  Just put in oedema gloves in the product search box.  They should only be worn for 8 hours at a time.   At the moment as well as taking painkillers prescribed by my Dr ( Dihydrocodiene and Paracetamol) I am also taking

    Turmeric capsules which are also helping to give some relief   Most health food shops sell them    Might be worth a try.  I was sceptical at first 

    • Posted

      Thanks for the reply and the advice.

      I will go on amazon now.  Funny you mentioned turmeric, I saved a post from Fb (but haven’t read it yet) on turmeric.  Will read it tonight. 

      I am considering going private.  At least if I could get diagnosed privately I could then maybe transfer to nhs for treatment.  

      Thanks again for the advice it is appreciated.

    • Posted

      I had to go out of area to get a Rheumatology appointment earlier I was referrred to Worcester NHS but the waiting list was over 4 months so I got an earlier appointment at Hereford where I waited only 6 weeks   It seems to work ok going out of area as Hereford communicate with my Worcestershire GP ok.  Hope you feel better soon 


  • Posted

    Your GP should be able to refer you to the Choose and Book service  


    • Posted

      Hi Malvernmaz

      I just wanted to thank you for recommending the oedema gloves.

      They really have made a difference at the night time.

      Thanks again 😀

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