Joint pain for 4 years

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Hello all

I have joined this forum as I feel I have run out of options. I will try and keep the story short...

Around 4 years ago I started to get pain in my lower back, It was mild and would only come on while I was sitting for too long and would go when I got up and started moving.  From there my condition got worse quite quickly.  Now I am in constant pain in my lower back, knees, backs of my legs, hands, wrists, hips and occasionally my neck.

The pains in my hands wrists and kneed can come and go but I feel they are getting more constant now a days.  I am VERY tired all the time my legs and other limbs are completely exhausted I have trouble moving them I have real trouble with stairs and much much more.

I have been to the doctors had countless blood tests mri scans physiotherapy I have been referred to a rheumatologist also who I am still seeing and I really hope he can help in some way however nothing solid has been found in any tests that have been done.  Blood tests show little abnormalities here and there but nothing that should cause the immense pain I'm in, mri shows a slight bulge in a lower disk however not protruding very far at all and thus not the cause.

Does anyone here have any thoughts of been in a similar situation?  I am 26 with a young family and I feel I have no quality life anymore.



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9 Replies

  • Posted

    Hello Scott, I am so sorry to hear that you have been so unwell, in such pain and for so long. I am not medically qualified but I really don't think that your pains can be down to PMR. PMR does not effect such a young age group, although it does effect those in their 50s, of which I am one, even this age group is considered very young to have it.

    there is a condition called fibromyalgia which is very painful and can effect anyone of any age, has your Dr mentioned this condition at all? There are members of this site that are being treated, are receiving treatment for other painful conditions alongside PMR, hopefully they will log on soon and offer you some other alternative suggestions for what the pain could be, at least then you have some ideas to put forward to your gp and rheumatologist.

    i'm sorry I cannot be of any help but I have no medical training that could even enlighten me to offer any suggestions. All the best, christina 

    • Posted

      Thanks for your response Christina, anything to help narrow down the search.

      My GP mentioned fibromyalgia a wile back but I think he is as baffled as I am as to why with all my symptoms nothing substantial is being spotted in blood tests.

      It is something to look into I think I am at GP again tomorrow so will definitely ask him to pursue fibromyalgia in more depth.

      Thanks again


    • Posted

      Morning Scott, before your appointment, look up fibromyalgia on the net so that when you see your Dr when he says things about the condition you at least have a better idea of what they are talking about. Remember I am not medically qualified so I am just guessing and of course your terrible pain etc, may not be diagnosed as that at all. Also, double check as to wether fibromyalgia can be diagnosed with blood tests or scans etc, because I don't think it can. So again don't be disappointed if once again any test reveals nothing. If your Dr does diagnose fibromyalgia they can give you medication that although quite drastic can elevate some of the pain, but double check that. Good luck, christina
    • Posted

      Scott, I've just read your reply to Eileen, I don't know what pain killers your Dr is prescribing but too long a time taking anti inflammatory drugs eg ibuprofen is not good for your stomach. Please ensure that whatever pain killer you are taking you take with food and a drink, preferably milk. Christina
    • Posted

      Thanks Christina yes I am being carefull with the pills I am taking tramadol and diclofenac at the moment and hope to come off both as soon as I can.
  • Posted

    Hi Scott

    I'm sorry to hear you are in such pain. Especially at 26 and have a young family.

    I have OA. scoliosis {C shape curve in my back} my oA is in my neck, lower back, ankle and hips.  Also got spoinal stenosis and osteoporosis.

    Yours does sound a bit like fibromyalgia.....but I'm not a doctor so cant tell you that really. As I was reading your post at first I was sure you hadnt seen a doctor but you have seen the lot of them by the sound of things.

    MRI's are good but they dont show up pain is one thing I have found outwink

    I hope someone with fibro or something else shows up that can give you more help than I can


    Eileen   UK

    • Posted

      Hi Eileen thanks for your response.

      I feel like I am developing more spinal problems because of my current symptoms, I am more hunched over and find it hard to stand up fully strait.   Scoliosis has been mentioned by a few of my ex chiropractors and physiotherapists but it doesn't seem to me that is the cause, more just another symptom perhaps.  I am no doctor unfortunately so really am just shooting in the dark my GP seems happy enough just to keep dishing out pain killers instead of getting to the bottom of it.

      I will definitely look more into fibromyalgia before my next trip to the GP.

      Thanks for your help smile


  • Posted

    Hi Scott

    i had a GP once who to get rid of his patients was quite happy to write out prescriptions as if they were going out of fashion

    He prescribed diclofenic for me and I asked him about Omneprozol {stomach liner} I had heard from another forum that any anti inflammatories you take....need to be taken with food and have a stomach liner.....Omneprozol or Lansoprozol {sp probably not right} but they are the 2 most common ones

    I'm on naproxin and omneprozol.....I should get up and go and check the spelling cheesygrin

    Good luck with your next GP visit


    Eileen      UK

  • Posted

    Hi there Scott,

           I'm so sorry to hear that you're currently baffling medical science with your obvious painful condition. I remember taking Diclofenic but had to have regular checks on Kidney & Liver function due to possible adverse reactions to the drug. I remember going through a terrible time with production of Kidney stones roughly one every 3-4 weeks . They took me off of Diclofenic, I'm on slow release Tramadol ( MaxiTram) plus Neurontin it seems to take the edge off with topping up with Paracetemol during the day. If I don't take the Neurontin before other pills especially at night I get the Restless leg syndrome but it affects my Neck,Arms,Spine & Legs. If I take Neurontin then 30 mins later take the rest of my pills it seems to work after a fashion. One other problem I had many years ago turned out to be Organophosphate poisoning caused by close contact with Ant spray etc.. Symptoms included Pain and weakness in Limbs.

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