Joint pain... really bad.
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Hi there all,
Does anyone take anything for menopausal joint pain? I'm gradually seizing up and it's all just getting harder to function... I feel like a 80 yr old in a 46 yr old body. I have no energy and i ache so bad i just want to cry. I used to walk a lot but now I just haven't got the stamina.
Is there anyone out there that has a solution other than to wait this crap time out as it could go on for years! I use HRT but have swapped due to
progesterone intolerance and now ache, ache, ache!!
Someone please help me!! ☹
Hope you're all having a good day...
A. x
3 likes, 10 replies
Brittay123 AJacynM
hi A, I wish i had an answer!! I am having the same problem! both my hips and legs ache so bad i cant do most anything!! im 52 and feel 90!! You are not alone!
Gypsy014 AJacynM
Hi . A.J, yes the joint pain I know all too well... Developed starting with frozen shoulder on to any and every joint that wanted to flare up would at 43 , that's when this peri meno started for me! Then had some bloods drawn and tests confirm rheumatoid arthritis, I believe hormones or lack of contribute to this diagnosis, anyways not to much you can do about the joint pain other than whatever helps to relieve the aches pains and flare ups, hot showers steam baths, hot compresses in the microwave, ibuprofen, heating pads , keep moving even through the pain, lots of things can flare it up, weather being a big part , and snowy cold winter here makes it worse...age and menopause most definitely contributes to the pain, so keep moving , yoga walking stretching, stay hydrated, and hopefully you find what works best for you, feel better soon 😊
sue28162 AJacynM
46 and feeling 102.
Pain in my feet shin chest hands name it pain. Not feeling this whole peri thing anymore
good luck girls
Guest AJacynM
Hello! yes, I get awful joint pains as well. Hands and knees hurt. I am 41. Lately, my calf muscles have been heavy and tight feeling when I walk. So fatigued all the time so I guess it must be due to inactivity. Been screened for all the bad stuff. I take a multi vitamin, fish oil and lysine. Nothing seems to help the aches and pains. Very cold in my part if the country now too. Was on low dose birth control pill for 3 weeks, but had to come as it made my migraines worse.
evi75119 Guest
Hi Lou,
It is true weather changes can affect our symptoms...either heat, humidity, or cold weather..
Very cold here in my country, too!
I am going to ask for bio identical HRT, I cannot bear this hell anymore.
My calf muscles are heavy too right now. I have just finished my period and instead of being better I am worse.
I pray for all of us
Guest evi75119
Hi Evi! Same here...mine was over a couple of days ago...been like a dizzy slug. Seeing the otoneuro in a couple of days for my balance issues. If he cannot help me, I will admit myself to the booby hatch! I am supposed to follow up with my obgyn and my primary sick of "follow ups" with no resolution. I hope your dr gives you HRT if that is what you want! Keep us posted! 
kelly55079 AJacynM
I'm the same. No stamina and this summer i barely got my bike out-- need to make an effort next summer! Fall came and all the aches came full force-- Now my knee is better but my ankle is giving me problems as well my neck and back. It's always something and I feel 80 too. I know the pool helps me BUT just no motivation to go lately. I do take collagen in my coffee each morning and also started glycosomine. I can't tell if it's helping. Perhaps maybe the collagen took my knee pain away but really not sure.
Livvvy AJacynM
I have started taking magnesium and vitamin d. I still have aches and pains but they don't seem quite as bad. Worth a try.
Thank you so much ladies, I'm so sorry you're all going through this too... isn't it crap?!
I've just bought some Seven Sea's jointcare active tablets which contain glucosamine, magnesium, omega 3 & chondroitin as well as other things so I'll let you know if it helps... chocolate makes me feel better 😉
Thanks again.
A. xx
may69987 AJacynM
turmeric is the best for joint pain 8 months ago my knees were so bad the worse pain i ever felt , i did add turmeric to my diet , i take two to three capsule at night and the pain is way less i still get little pain around my period but i feel so much better , hope it works for u too