Jones Fracture
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Hi, my name is Jaime, and i work a job where I'm on my feet with some fast pace factory work . I
I injured my foot on the 25th of June by stepping out of my truck in flip flops ( I live on a rugged mountain
In Tennessee, and I stepped directly on a rock, that seemed to go right through my
Foot the pain was unbearable. Long story short fractured 5th bone in foot which
Doctor immediately told me was a Jones Fracture, he gave me an airboot and crutches
And told me NO WEIGHT BEARING. Well 4 weeks later I went in for xray and the doctor
Was very aggressive, there was no healing or the white calcium deposits that indicate healing so he immediately
blamed me and my "smoking habit" for the lack of healing. Well now we are going on the 7th week, and i can honestly say Im experiencing
minimum pain so I do walk around my home bare foot. I am a woman and have a household to attend to and my husband works during the
day, so if i need something, I'mm going to have to get up and get it, and the fact it doesnt hurt makes it even more difficuilt not to walk on.
At work, my short term disability is up and I move into long term disability which is a substancial paycut, my family lives paycheck to paycheck, I have
got to get back to work, plus my supervisors ask my husband about me daily ( he works for same company).
I just have tbis awful feeling I' m going to go to my 8 week appointment and show no healing again, and may need surgery, i just need all the advice I can get about this Jones Fracture
Also how did so many of the women on here manage to just sit there for so many weeks without messing up and getting up even once! I'm a little OCD about my home, plus as far as the smoking
It's increasingly hard not to when I'm just sitting all day.I've put on some weight and I feel depressed and ready to go back. I think i could but I tried going to Walmart and walking one afternoon
and came home in a lot of pain so I know its not completely healed. Please folks be honest even if it means being blunt and cruel, I may end up needing the surgery, and I'm actually scared of the doctor being
upset with mewhen I go in, any advice would help.
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sandi27417 jaime23679
ok Jamie, here is the deal!!! It is awful!!!! I am 67 and run a horse farm. I tried to heal without surgery, walked a bit on heel, etc. and it did NOT heal so had a pin put in 4 weeks ago. after tons of research and this site, I hired people to help, my husband has been amazing along with friends but, I am totally non weight bearing which is the ONLY way to heal this injury. Tomorrow I go back to my ortho doc in hopes to be able to walk in the hard boot they gave me. I truly think surgery is the fastest way and most efficient way to heal because these fractures do recur in active people. I absolutely know what you are going through!!!!!! A knee scooter may help you at work. I am on crutches, scooter and walker. It's awful but, walking on it right now won't help. I went to a foot ortho doc. Many on this site like podiatrists. I tend to go the MD way because I was an X Ray tech for years and know so many. Either way, I wish you luck. keep us informed.
tracy10304 jaime23679
Hi Jaime, I'll be blunt. Either you want to heal, or you don't. You are only cheating yourself by not following doctor's orders, so what is the point of you even going to him? Everybody has things to do around the house, and at work. You are no different than anyone who has or has had a foot injury. That being said, do what the doctor says. You have many more steps to take on that foot (God be willing...) so if you want to heal and help alleviate your pain, that is under your control and nobody else's.
sandi27417 tracy10304
Tracey you are hysterical!!! Tougher than ME it is a life altering injury. I have had so many surgeries and thus damn fracture although, painless has been the most difficult!!
bailyBoo02511 jaime23679
Jamie ,
Sandi and Tracy are both right imho and the smoking will slow the healing. .I was alone most of time with my fracture I used a knee scooter to get arond and had friends help me a little bit until my boyfriend got home again ..Even to walk barefooted in normal times not relly a great idea gee you could stub your toe step on something I alway's at least wear crocs around the house .I think your husband at this time while your healing should help you anyway he can .Listen to your Dr the faster you do that you be on your way to healing .
Best of luck 2u
lisa_59960 jaime23679
I am on a leave as well and had surgery right away because I needed 2 screws in my foot. I also am active as well - I teach young children, have kids, and house, etc... Yes, it is hard to not do the things that we usually do, but from everything that I have read, we have to be non weight bearing for 6-8 weeks. I don't get to until October. I think that sometimes we have to put ourselves first and this is the time to do it or it will just take us longer to heal. I can't speak to the smoking because I am not a smoker. (no judgement - just my lifestyle) What I have been doing is relying on the kindness of friends and coworkers to drive my kids since I can't drive. My doctor has been really clear absolutely no weight bearing. So, walking around your house is probably not a good idea.
BTW- the WalMart where I live has a pull up service that is a HUGE help. You can order literally anything online, they get it ready, then your husband can pull up and they will put it in your car.
sandi27417 lisa_59960
lisa_59960 sandi27417