Joys of been a woman

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IM pri have been taking hrt for a month now with complete b floradix .Still having periods now i am due on feel so tierd and my legs ache tryed to go dack to work but had to come home again the joys of been a woman  


              Paula xx

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4 Replies

  • Posted

    Oh how i would love to have a full time job..This darn peri and the up and down is for the birds...Thank god my husband has a good job and is very understanding about all this...On my good days I tell him Im goin to go look for a full time job and he just looks at me and I just put my head a girl can wish cant she????I go the 31st to get my results from saliva test..Something must have shown up cause nurse said the wouldnt have me come in if all was normal...Hopefully i will get some answers and feel somewhat normal again...Hope you feel better soon paula!!!!This is no fun thats for sure!!!!
    • Posted

      Hi laurie i only work 2 full days and 2afternoons not been to work for 2months frist time back only did 4 hours had to come home i am single so very hard . Hope you get things sorted xx 


    • Posted

      I don't have a full time job I used to work full time hours and I haven't for awhile I don't know if I could ever handle going back to something like that
  • Posted

    Yes, the days leading up to the start of my period always makes me feel crazy. This month I had sensitivity in my left hip /groin area. Then my thighs were aching. Then today I was out with little one at the doctors and had run other errands and I didn't eat anything before I went out and I felt so weak. First of all, I was bundled up because it's cold out then when I went into the store they had the heat on so o felt over dressed. Sometimes when I get overheated like that it can bring on an anxiety attack. I felt like I was going to pas out. I ran into a sandwich shop to eat quick as I could. That calmed everything down. This is something that has happened before right before a period or like at the beginning that if I haven't eaten and get overheated, I get weak and feel faint. I think I read somewhere that our fluctuating hormones can mimic diabetic and or anemia symptoms. Your blood/sugar level can drop. Oh the joys of being a woman, indeed!

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