just a bit of help please!
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im sure this has been posted/asked a thousand times - but just to save me going through a thousand posts. apologies in advance.
I have suffered with anxiety/mild depression for several years, and only the end of september last year it got really severe to the point i couldnt deal with it anymore all the usual - feeling like you're have a heart attack, loosing despair, hot and cold flashes, chest pains etc etc... all what that lovely thing anxiety does to us. i went to the doctors and he prescribed me with 40mg propranalol two to three times daily, i had a couple of side effects when starting but nothing that worried me. i had been on them for a good couple of months with no joy of them helping so i went to doctors a couple weeks before xmas. i was then presribed Sertraline, i took one and it gave me the worst anxiety attack ive ever had which resulted me in A&E - i was told by them it may be a good idea to not take anymore which i did, so then i went back to the doc just after xmas - i told him what had happened and that i was advised to stop, he in a sense wasnt to pleased and told me to start again. i bucked the courage up and started on Friday(30th December) the first couple of days were absolutely fine but for the last few day i have had consistent indigestion(as if theres something blocked in my throat and just above the stomach) and tightness in chest these have not eased or dissapeard at all not even for 30 seconds, i was just hoping someone could shed some light on this and confirm this is completely normal to do with the drug and these effects should hopefully go? as im struggling to eat because of this.
apologies for writing alot you didnt really need to know but i thought a bit of history never hurts.
Thanks for reading
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Hi Ann & Michelle, i do apologies i havent replied! been trying to keep myself occupied at all times at the moment, if i have to be completely honest my Anxiety overall has been alot lot better than it ever has so maybe the combination of the two meds im taking are actually starting to work with a bit of determination as well - hopefully im not speaking to soon!! my panic attacks have subdued as to where i can control them alot quicker now which was my main concern as i was having them all the time - my general anxiety is still there but i will focus on that after gettting to a high positive stage with the attacks - if i ever can! the only side effect im having is consistant indigestion liturally all day every day since ive been taking sertraline has not dissapeard but then ive not been on them long so im hoping my body will adapt to that! what are we like hey, we will break from these chains we have to!
how are you two ladies feeling today? stay positive!!
ann55375 jmals
jmals ann55375
Hi Ann, no worries at all - im so sorry to hear you're feeling down and the dilemma your in, apart from the first time of taking sertraline when i had the worse panic attack ive encountered i have only had indigestion this second time round. i do believe reading and being told what others say and been through that the first 3ish weeks can be quite like hell with there anxiety rocketing sky high, panic attacks and all the rest of it - but everyones different so i guess the side effects can vary, last longer or shorter etc....sometimes reading to much internet especially the side effects can play with our anxiety like crazy, i now dont read any side effects otherwise i will have every single one! i am in no way clued up much myself of any sort but my suggestion would be as my doctor informed would be to try your best and sit it out for the first few weeks to see if the side effects then dissapear if not then deffo go back to your doctor - i know it must be so hard - i am now always trying to stay positive. We may get worse before we get better but we will get better!! how are you feeling today? maybe you should try something a little different then staying in bed try reading a little anything that will distract your mind even in the slightest, surround yourself with something distracting... stay positive Ann you will get there!! :-)
michelle71710 jmals
Hi Jmals, thanks for getting back in touch. I'm glad your feeling better and there is abit of light at the end of the tunnel for you. I'm struggling abit with no sleep, heightened anxiety, low mood and nausea, I'm praying that I'll get through this and that I'll feel better soon. It scares me incase it doesn't work and I've been though it all for nothing but I know must stay positive. How long have you been on them now? And what's your dose? Thank you x
jmals michelle71710
Hi Michelle, its my pleasure! thank you for your condolence - its been a long time comming but im slowly crawling out of the tunnel - i just hope im not speaking too soon. im also very sorry to hear what you are going through its not an easy battle at all is it. you will get through it!!! stay at that thought. all the side effects you just listed do deffo seem to be part of starting the medication my doctor almost swore i would get nausea but much to my luck i never did. i can fully understand where you're comming from on the battle for nothing if it dosent work but hold out some hope positive thinking goes a long long way these pills do take a bit of time too work i think! - im learning all this now i use to be absolutely hopeless. i think im comming up for 2 weeks or just over 2 weeks my memory is about as much as a goldfish.... so even with this persistant indigestion im going to see it through! my dose is 50mg just once a day so i guess its only a low dose aswell. stay strong michelle and be dertimined you will deffo get there :-)
michelle71710 jmals
Thanks for getting back to me. I know I try and be positive and think I can get through this as a few nights I've felt abit better but than wake with nausea, anxiety and low mood and think will this ever go!! It's awful to live with and this forum has been a life saver, it's the first time in my life I've used one of these but it helps so much that people don't think your mad and know exactly what going through. I'm glad your getting through it ok. Yes my memory is abit little that too or I'll be speaking and all of a sudden my brain will go blank and forget what I was going to say! Yes it's a low dose 50mg, my dr wanted to start me on 50mg for a week then increase to 100mg but I was too scared so I asked if I could split them up so she agreed but that I could only do it for a week so I did 25mg for 6days and 12days on 50mg so nearly on the 2week mark on 50mg. I see her next week so she'll probably increase my dose then. Do you think you'll increase your dose? X
jmals michelle71710
You're welcome Michelle! hey you have felt a bit better some nights thats a positive note, its like stepping stones we have to take every day as it comes theres going to be brighter days and awfful days but one thing im learning when you do feel slightly better try and enjoy them moments ! as always its alot easier said than done when you feel so down... i ask myself everyday why does are body do this to us but we arent invincible so we all will somehow find are way of dealing with it :-)....you are not mad Michelle dont think for one min you are - alot of people dont understand us people with anxiety problems but one things for sure like you stated this website is a dime, it makes us not feel so alone and its nice to share each others story and try help one another..but you are not mad! see i wish i slowly increased my dose by splitting it in half maybe it would have helped with the indigestion by slowly introducing it to my body but heyho whats done is done, im not to sure on the increase ill see how i am day by day. how are you feeling at the moment?
katie58615 jmals
Whats sort of things happen when u get indigestion? I think i have acid reflux! I burp n heave n salivate n i feel sick sometines bring up yellow stuff. Mornings r the worst its disgusting. I take omeprazole at night.
Seritonin is in the gut i believe but what effect do taking ssris have on the gut??
Silly question sorry lol if i understand the science behind it then the less i will worry something is wrong! Hooefully when my anxiety is under control this will ease also
jmals katie58615
Hi Katie
its the usual where it feels like cramps almost like if you eat alot of bread too fast i also have this feeling from my throat all the way down where it feels like ive swalled a dry tablet and yes i burp alot not to sure if any of that makes sense - i honestly cant quite put my finger on the sensations lol. ive tried esmeprazole, omeprazole gaviscon and nothing has worked so no idea just think its my body adapting - well i hope :D
im sorry to hear what your going through its all nasty little buggers isnt it! hope your feeling ok now? yes i think most of it is in the gut and i might be wrong but i believe its in the brain aswell. its not a silly question but if im honest im not to sure but unfortunately for us its obviously having a massive effect on our poor tummy's! haha.....100% anxiety will make it so much worse it always will
but i can assure you since my overall anxiety has been subduing the indigestion isnt quite as bad as when i first started the pills a couple of weeks back!
katie58615 jmals
Yes im hoping it eases as my anxiety is more managed!!
jmals katie58615
atleast i have someone in the same boat as me! at night time it becomes the worst for me as thats where we do our most thinking in bed i guess.. it almost feels like the dry tablet feeling grows in my throat so im trying to swallow a golf ball
a good ol bath goes a long way seems to help quite a bit.. oh tell me about it Katie i love my food aswell i havent had my favourtie meal in 2 weeks!!! lol....naww you will get there for sure just take everyday as it comes :-)
michelle71710 jmals
Hi Jmsls, I know I'm taking that as a positive, it's horrible tho when your ok, then go to bed and wake up again back to square one but will get good & bad days. I woke up feeling like I was going to be sick but took anti sickness tablet which helped, went to work and I feel ok, quite calm jut hope it lasts awhile longer. How you getting on? X
karen27666 jmals
Good to hear you are working your way through it
and yes no medication apart from propranolol! I can also have a good cry now which strangly helps! Still waiting for the so called 'happy pill' it will arrive when the pigs are flying lol. Good luck to everyone, one day at a time. Going to try therapy if anyone will answer the bloomin phone grrrrrrrr.........
jmals karen27666
karen27666 jmals