Just a good old moan!
Posted , 11 users are following.
i'm not fussed on anyone at the minute..i am too bloated to do anything ..my heads banging all the time...i have a kangaroo pouch...my hairs falling out...my gums are receeding...i wake up in the morning like i haven't slept for weeks....i'm always starving....i feel like i need more blood i lose that much every month.. i have palpitations..panick attacks....why do we have to all suffer this menopause....its 2016 there should be a cure for it by now...RANT OVER!
4 likes, 14 replies
michelle50768 jane50560
wendy36287 jane50560
Take care
maria101 jane50560
Hi Jane moan all you like this is site for it...menopause is no picnic I had all those symptoms only two weeks ago it all subsided
but I'm still transitioning in to menopause so I can't brag to much
it will stop don't worry let it do what It what it like because there's nothing you can do about it
they were days I would feel to scream those hot flashes I can't take and can't sleep through them,bloats feeling, heavy head, feeling sick shaking jittery you name it I had it
so your not on your own darling
I believe it comes to end and when it does keep party and invite me hahaha
(((((hugs))))) xxx
michelle46271 maria101
I'm glad you are a bit better. Did your symptoms ease gradually or just feel a bit better one day? Xx
maria101 michelle46271
Hi Michelle I think they ease gradually I realize the hot flashes was easing and then other symptoms ease up, still get Anixety but not so bad and that is because I feel better
3 weeks now I Been sleeping better I still wake up but fall back to sleep
you will feel better too don't worry this my 2nd break from it in 9 months since October last year
let me know f you are feeling better hugs
michelle46271 jane50560
Hi Jane
It's absolutely awful isn't it. There are so many different things that happen. I just don't understand why perimenopause just portrays hot sweats. I never ever was prepared and I have learnt myself from the Internet and this forum. Take care xxx
colleen90305 michelle46271
colleen90305 jane50560
Amen! This really suxs. I've never felt so bad in my entire life. My last period was a week early and the flow was,very light for two days. I'm lucky there
swaran00 jane50560
millie99 jane50560
Thank god there is someone who has all my symptoms!I am 50 but feel so much older.I look like I am about to give birth any time soon.I was asked a while back when I was due.I suppose I should be flattered but I wasn't.My gums bleed all the time and clumps of my hair falls out evrytime I wash it.I lost five stone in 2011 and last year I put two stone which no mattter what I do it will not come off.I want to eat all the time and am very anxious.Are you take anything to help with the symptoms.My doctor basically told me to live with it.All the best.
debra06803 jane50560
Thanks for the support everyone....i am so annoyed with myself today. i can't even reply to everyone....just don't even like myself at the minute...i'm used to being so upbeat and making everyone laugh...i can't even be bothered with myself!
colleen90305 jane50560
I'm in the same boat!! Irritated all the time too
beth86610 jane50560
maca root