Just been diagnosed with Blepharitis?

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Hi all,

I went to see a Optician today which he carried out a eye exam. This was due to me having slightly bloodshot eyes for over 2 months with not knowing the cause. There is no pain or no discharge. The optician told me I had blepharitis and to use a warm compress over my eyes and wipes for my eyelashes. I do notice some of my eyelashes are curling in different directions. I am quite concerned as I have been looking up online and discovered that this can not be cured is this true? Also will my slightly red/bloodshot eyes go away?

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10 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi dank94

    Commiserations on your diagnosis because it's not a nice problem to have. No its curable but it can be manageable and kept a bay.

    Yes warm pads on the eye for about 10 minutes then massage the top and bottom lids pushing up for the bottom and pushing down for the top lid. Then this what I do.: I use a cotton bud in boiled cooled water making a solution with "blephasol lotion" in. I clean the top and bottom lids with this on a morning and wipe my eyes with blephaclean wipes and put eye gel in. When I get in from work I use the warm eye bag and do the same with the cotton bud with the solution I then use cotton pads to wipe my eyes with the same solution and use the gel. Before going to bed I wipe my eyes with the blephaclean wipes and use the eye gel.....you may etc flare ups which I have again at the moment. I am taking doxycycline antibiotics from my GP 1 a day for 5 weeks.....you will probably try different things and will find the best 1 that works for you

    Good luck x

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      Sorry should say Not curable
  • Posted

    Sorry dank it's not a good condition. You will now have to read up and trial and error will help to find the best way to keep your eyes stable. Cleaning is paramount. I use wet wipes.warm  Eye pad. Eye drops.
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    i was dignosed over 5 years ago, not its for life but can with good hygiene be kept at bay, no eye makeup, just makes it worse doctor orders only on a special day...have been on the doxy on and off...hygiene and compresses essential...i lost eyelashes they never came back... its the pits
  • Posted

    Hi guys thanks for the comments,

    I just want to say is there such thing as mild blepharitis and more advanced stages? I say this because the redness in my eyes is very mild and not noticable unless i look really closely in the mirror. Also when you guys say it is not curable does that mean I will not have normal eyes back without being slightly red? The redness is only in the eyeball not on the outside, i.e eyelids etc.

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      You can have it where it looks mild I would think.....only from my experiences I had it really really bad....even my GP said OMG....1st Time I went when they were so bad.....needed antibiotics. ..gels...wipes etc....I used all sorts too after reading about other people's solutions ...tried the wet ones.....made my eyes worse....tried baby shampoo and that was OK for awhile but left my eyes red rimmed....stopped using this and now just stick with the blephasol lotion (it is quite expensive £10.99 in boots) and the blephasol wipes (£8.99 in boots) but I get the wipes on prescription...might get the lotion too but I haven't asked....I also wipe coconut oil or castor oil over my eyes/lashes as my lashes were so deformed but they are not too bad now...still not like they used to be but definitely better than they were. ..they have length to them now and are not so crooked....I wear makeup now....don't use eyeliner anymore I use eyeshadow as eyeliner and it all seems to work. If you do wear makeup use disposable mascara brushes and disposable eye liner brushes....I still get the odd flare which have at the moment....But not as bad as I have had it in the past. ....you will try different solutions/regimes until you find one that suits you but just always make sure you clean your lids regularly. ....that is so important.

    • Posted

      Yes mild is what I was diagnosed with a year ago or more . I'd already passed through the grotty , messy stages befopre i was diagnosed by a specialist . It's the gland openings just behind the lashes that you have to keep clean and open .AS LONG AS I KEEP MY EYES LUBRICATED OVER NIGHT i manage to keep the bloodshot eye at bay . I use the blethagel for cleaning . So clean , use heat bag , pop in some drops and clean again before turning in for the night . I take it you were prescribed lacri-lube for overnight ? If you can't get it as i hear production was stopped for a while , there are suggested alternatives mentioned on the web . viscotears gel isn't as long lasting but you can use it during the daytime .
    • Posted

      Hi david thanks for the reply,

      I went to see two different doctors who just said its nothing you should be concerned about and give me drops. I thought i should get a eye exam from a optician which is what i done and he told me i have very mild blepharitis. he then advised me to use a hot compress over my eyes and eyelid wipes which is what I am using at the moment, I do find the hot compress slightly makes the redness more in my eyeball after using. All in all Im not sure if it will get worse but at the moment the only problem I have is very very mild redness in eyes which you can only see if I roll my eyes left and right

    • Posted

      Nothing to worry about ? I take it that they haven't suffered with it then ! If your eyes are feeling tired and sore then use a cold compress soaked in optrex or something at that moment . We need the glands to secret the lubrication but we don't need to punish the eyes ( it's not their fault ! ).

      Hoping you get it under control and that it never worsens .


  • Posted

    You will find there are lots of people with this problem, me included, & they will tell you many ways of managing this problem

    IMO its all trial & error you might have to try many different things before you find what ever it is that suits you.

    Keep reading this forum

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