Just been told I have Blepharitis

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Looking for advice.   Just been told by Doctor I have this on Friday.   Just the one eyelid and never had any symptoms on the lead up to the swelling.   He has given me antibiotic tablets and eyedrops but no advice and I wasn't even aware until I looked online that this would come back.   Swelling and redness is now gone but just not sure what to do day to day!   Can I wear eye makeup?   Does it always come back?   Whats the best routine to follow?   Any help would be much appreciated.   Thanks

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    HI Karen, Bleph is a condition and different for each patient. You need to adhere to a strict daily hygiene routine. You are lucky it has been diagnosed early. I shampoo my eyes with Johnsons baby shampoo morning and night putting a little in my palm straight from the bottle. With a different clean finger for each eye gentle massage the shampoo along the eye lashes then rinsing with clean warm water. Pat each eye gently dry with separate clean towel or kitchen roll. Then I use a heat mask heated according to instructions in the microwave. After 10 mins I wipe each eye with separate strips of wet ones or tea tree facial wipes. I have dry eye so insert drops at this point. It sounds a lot but takes 20 mins from beginning to end. I do not wear eye make up every day but do so on occasion. I take 6000mgs of omega3 daily which has helped enormously with inflammation. I also take a strong antihistamine daily to combat allergic reactions. I also have reactions to weather such as wind, cold dry at especially in planes. 

    Bleph can also cause light sensitivity and I suffer from this.

    I have a drive safe coating on my specs, they also react to light outside darkness sometimes inside...these have helped my eyes feel more comfortable at home, in shops, theatre and concerts though for the latter two occasions I wear my Polaroid sunglasses. I know what I am saying may sound horrible to you but all I am offering are suggestions as to what you can try as you get to know how your bleph will develop. 

    Look through this site site as there is a wealth of info and support to tap into. Don't despair.

    regards Pamela

    • Posted

      Hi Pamela

      Thanks so much for your advice, it's much appreciated.   Can I ask if you have it in both eyes?   How often does it flare up?   Do you use a specific eye make up?   I have ordered a heat mask but the Doc never mentioned any hygeine routine or even that it would come back.   I am at a complete loss as to what to expect going forward and how on Thursday morning I was fine and a mess by 5pm same day.   Do you get your antihistamine from the doc?   How do i know if I have dry eye?   I am sorry to give you all these questions but I am trying to deal with this the best I can and in the correct way. 

      I really do appreciate any advice I can get.



    • Posted

      Hi Karen,

      i have it in both eyes and if I didn't do my routine both eyes would flare up within a few days so the ongoing treatment I give myself keeps it under control. There are times when they feel more sensitive than others but I have over the past three years come to know and recognise every symptom:

      burning eyes means they are dry,

      twitchy eyelids at base of lashes means oils are thickening in the mebomian glands (perhaps I've forgotten to take all 6000mgs of omega3 over a couple of days), with extra care over heat treatment and gentle massage from inner to outer eye helps with this, 

      light sensitivity is sudden and obvious and symptoms disappear when away from offending light source

      red and swollen  eye lids...have I become sensitive to full strength shampoo, if so I dilute it. Also I changed from using wet ones to tea tree facial wipes as they were too strong for my eye skin. However, when my eyes were very bad in the beginning wet wipes gave relief from the itching caused by mites/bacteria.

      if my eyes itch or feel funky, gritty or uncomfortable during the day I wipe each eye with a separate strip of tea tree wipe.

      positive thoughts. I no longer carry eye wipes or drops with me on a daily basis.

      i try to remember to do blinking exercises as this helps with the dry eye.

      i do wear cream eyeshadow when I use makeup as the powder, especially if containing mica, irritates my eyes over the period of time wearing it. Cream eyeshadow sets and also is best when eyelids are greasy.  Use disposable mascara wands and one for each eye. Do not put them in the tube but load them thoroughly from the wand that comes with the mascara. Once you've put a coat on your lashes with a wand you throw it away. I did this to start but as my eyes calmed down I use the wand from the tube on both eyes. Change mascara every six weeks.

      i still travel, stay in accommodation without a microwave. I use a gel bag, heat it in boiling water in a thermos mug for ten minutes, if too hot for direct contact on skin then I place a thin layer of pocket handkerchief tissue between my eyes and the gel bag. Split the tissue into two layers.

      i get my antihistamine from my doctor.

      you can buy bleph wipes but these are expensive. They are quite strong too but good if eyes are infected on top of bleph.

      take heart you will discover how to control your condition. It may take time but you will do it.

      dont ket it get you down or not wearing makeup affect your confidence. Make the most of your other features, hair, skin. Tell yourself you are lovely especially when you don't feel it. X

    • Posted

      Thanks Pamela :-)   So appreciate your advice and sorry for being a pain.

      I appear to only have it in one eye.   No burning eyes, no obvious light sensitivity and no flaking at base of eye lashes and no twitching.

      I had swelling and redness on eye lid and Doc gave me antibiotic tablets and antibiotic drops, still taking these until tomorrow.   I do appear to have a slight lump in my eye lid that I can feel but not visual.

      I just don't know where to turn for advice and was a bit confused as to why just one eye and only on eye lid, not on lower.

      I will start my heat pad once arrives but I am doing it just now with hot cotton wool pads.   Will get wipes and start that also.

      Because I work in an office and wore make up daily, it's affecting me jsut now but trying to stay positive.

      Do you know what casues yours? x

    • Posted

      Mine started after a makeover with Clinique makeup. The makeup artist at the shop was very careful re hygiene but by the late afternoon I couldn't get it off quick enough. It was downhill all the way after that. Back and forth to chemist, docs etc. After five months I was finally diagnosed at Moorfields eye hospital. My bleph was raging by then. 

      Google types of blepgh, there are two...anterior and posterior. The more you research the better you feel about coming to understand your condition. It can only affect one eye. Looking at photos of cases of bleph made me feel lucky that I have it the way I do and that I have got ways of keeping it under control. No styes, rosacre, eczema or other complications.

      some people find eating some types of food affects them but I'm ok with that. X

    • Posted

      I'm not a medically trained person but whenever my eyes get a bit "gritty" I either apply warmth with a flannel or heated (in the microwave) eye pads.

      Another hint I was given was to gently rub each closed eyelid five times from the nose outward using the joint of an index finger. This distributes the fluids to the edges of the eyelid and brings relief.

      I hope you get to feel better soon

    • Posted

      Thanks Clive, appreciate any advice I can get to keep this at bay :-)

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