Just been told I might have Fibromyalgia.
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Over the last 8 weeks I have been suffering from pain and burning sensation across my shoulders, down both arms, from my neck down past my shoulder blades and all across the top of my back.
In the last 4 weeks symtoms have increased and have spread to my lower back and down my right leg as well. My doctor has told me the leg problem is siatica and she thinks the rest of my back and arm problems is fibromyaglia. I have had an x-ray and standard blood tests done which have all been clear apart from slightly high colesterol level.
As well as all of these symtoms I have had problems sleeping, get confused easily, mood swings, pins and needles and having problems saying whats in my head.
Doctor has put me on 40mg of amitriptyline, 500mg of naproxen and 15/500mg of kapake. I don't really feel any benefit from the amitirptyline apart from making it very hard to get up in the morning. The rest sort of helps with the pain but find it very difficult to normal every day tasks which is extremely frustrating.
I have two young kids and a 3rd on the way so this has come at "great" time. Doctor says she is thinks it is fibromyaglia but it might not be which is a real help.
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leona18728 PhilB2389
it must be so hard for you looking after two little ones and another on the way,
40mg of amitripyline to start with sounds quite high? And can make you feel horrible the next day,
I've taken 10mg in the past but found I needed to take them around 7pm sometimes my body relaxed enough to ease the pain at night but not always, I then struggled the next day in work and decided it wasn't for me,
I've had this longer that 15 years and have no answers only try to rest as much as you can, ( not easy with a young family ) stress Is a big factor and will make things feel worse,
I find magnisium spray oil effective but do seek advice from your GP as your pregnant if you want to try it, I don't like talking to much so rubbing magnisium into my joints give a good relief
Hope you find something that works for you soon
Gentle hugs to you, your not alone.
bluesman PhilB2389
Has been a difficult time just hoping to start getting better so I can keep up with the kids lol
loxie PhilB2389
sheryl37428 PhilB2389
If your symptoms started just 8 weeks ago, why do they not think it's related to your being a pregnant, busy mom?
You say it started 8 weeks ago, but that seems way too soon to put that diagnosis out there. My symptoms started 8 years ago and they just diagnosed me last month. I think you should get a second opinion. Maybe that's why Amitrip. isn't working. It's worth a try. I hope you feel better soon. Let us know, okay?
Take care,
loxie sheryl37428
leona18728 PhilB2389
Are you expecting your third child or not? 😊
Or is it your husband/partner who is not feeling well?
PhilB2389 leona18728
chris11339 PhilB2389
I had 2 mri scans on my neck, my hips x rayed, my shoulder x rayed and a few hospital stays as this is a horrible condition so I would question why after only 8wks are they happy 2 label u with fibro
bluesman PhilB2389
It is likely that the doctor in this case is proceding cautiously because of the short time frame that Phil has had the symptoms.