Just can't take no more

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I just don't know how to do any of this no more my whole body feels weird like nothing is functioning properly bp up and down I'm on meds,heart races off and on,I get hot and nauseated then chills,my digestive system is so messed up for awhile now. Bloated, indigestion,gas buildup seems bowels is sluggish. I have dizziness how do we do all this? After my March cycle things just keep getting worse have had labs done I cry everyday scared I'm dying from some horrible disease. I'm so scared of all this it's too many things at once to deal with and it's hard. My face stays flushed like I'm in a boiler burning skin off and on if some of these things would just stop I could deal with all this better. Things started getting worse right before this cycle I just ended and it just doesn't stop. My cycles is all over the map light,heavy, early, late and these symptoms isn't coming and going with cycles seems they staying around for good. I'm really at the end of my rope I'm drowning and nobody is listening my Dr always says anxiety and that is far from the case. My stomach burns when empty I'm so scared can anyone relate to all these things and no break or relief in sight?

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43 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Pamela,

    You are not alone...

    I and thousands of other women are experiencing exactly the same as you.

    Yes, it is terrifying at times. My perimenopause symptoms are quite bad and I too have a tough time dealing with them. It's horrible, frightening and totally unnecessary.

    One thing I have noticed throughout this journey, is that it's given me uncontrollable and sometimes extreme anxiety. I hate it.

    I'm currently going through a very bad patch and it's making me feel like I have no control over my symptons. It takes over your life.

    Don't ever feel alone. I will happily chat with you via messenger on here. X

  • Posted

    Hi Pamela! First, take 3 deep, slow breaths. That will help when you feel overwhelmed. I understand being at the end of my rope. My hot flashes have been horrendous for 3 months straight. At least 10 and day and then at night, I wake up hot all throughout the night. I just try to take each day one day at a time. I'm using black cohosh but so far (3 weeks in) it's not helping. I get bloated and so very uncomfortable...add that to the constant hot flashes, feelings of depression, dry, burning mouth and nether region, no libido, and mood swings, and yes...I feel at the end of my rope often. I'm shocked that many doctors do little or nothing to help us and that there is no real proven relief from our symptoms. Do research online and look at herbal remedies (check side effects) that may work for you. Pre/probiotics for digestion maybe. I take a probiotic every morning. If you eat lots of processed foods, eliminate them and eat fresher...a clean diet is always beneficial. Drink lots of water (I live in FL so ice water is important to help with hot flashes) Take each day one at a time. Exercise. Treat yourself to things you enjoy and remember to breathe. You are not alone. -K

  • Posted

    Hi Pamela, as long as you are in perimenopause those are the symptoms you will experience and it does get worse once your periods stop..but it does get better with time all these symptoms I had I'm not out of the woods yet but I know how you are feeling you will and can get through it beleive you me..peri time is hard as hormones more up down during this time..I'm 16 months free of them few symptoms disappear I'm now gone back sleeping after months of none sleep..you don't know when it stops you just realise one morning oh I haven't got that now, just how it comes it will go..all I could say keep going you will get over it with TIME ((((((HUGS)))))).

    • Posted

      Hi Maria

      My periods have stopped.  

      Some of my symptoms have gone away (the wobbly legs, weird head, most of the heart palpitations) 

      BUT I have very bad anxiety and depression symptoms

      Are you saying it gets worse for you once your periods stop?  

      THe anxiety and depression have gotten worse for me (although I am prone to anxiety)

      But it is true what you say.  For me the symptoms either change and some do disappear.


    • Posted

      Hi Nancy

      I am with you on the mood thing, its worse, much worse with meno for me.

      I didnt have depression prior to menopause though so it really has been hard.

      I think it will get better in time but im afraid that its going to take awhile for me..not an overnight fix.

      How old are you now nancy and how long postsmeno?

      thinking good thoughts good thoughts


  • Posted

    Thanks ladies I'm trying so hard everyday I pray for some of this to be lifted up off me seems it's getting worse the more cycles is getting irratic I don't know why it has to mess with our digestive system this is the one main thing I'd love to get better and stop. I'm taking it one day at a time this is ovulation week and seems the digestive system is playing up worse ugh

  • Posted

    Hello there , I read your post and thought omg she’s talking about all the symptoms I have . I’m going through the exact same thing . It’s terrible some days and just remember your not alone , many of us are going through the exact same symptoms , some worse , some easier , but we all know your grief with it trust me .

    Along with the BP pills I’m on , I’m also taking chloresteol pills and a baby aspirin per day too because this whole menopausal thing messed my body up for so many years that I even have blocked arteries in my legs . The heavy bleeding I had they fixed with a pill called fibristal it’s a 3 month treatment . I had fibroids and cysts in addition to heavy clotting and feeling like I was dying , so I hear ya . It’s been a nightmare actually .im 49 years old gonna be 50 in November.  I do find when I drink lots of water and eat more greens weekly I feel better so I thought I’d offer that suggestion to ya . Everyone’s different and their body’s respond differently to all kinds of stuff so what may work for you doesn’t for me or vise versa but it’s worth a try . 

    Three times a week I eat a cup of frozen cubed chopped spinach with my meals . I don’t eat beef hardly at all now and I try to eat mostly chicken . Fish is good for ya too but I don’t eat that .  I cut out all the margarines and now only cook with olive oil . It’s very beneficial so if you don’t use that , maybe give it a try too .

    The hot flashes are horrible! Most of the day I deal with that so what I try is a cold wet cloth wrapped around the back of my neck and it does give some relief . 

    The sleeping is horrible though I usually get only a few hours because of the insomnia and Anxiety , so I do the best I can by trying to wind down with a movie or favourite DVD that I know I feel happy watching .  Just little things like that I find help me . I hope maybe some of this may help you if ya try it or even try just different routines as you will for sure find things that kinda help a bit , but it takes time to find them . I know it’s hard trust me , I’ve been going through this for years and years. I also try to talk a lot about it to many woman cause I find knowing that other woman have these symptoms too help me cope a bit better and I know I’m not alone . Every day is a new day and one day closer to menopause that our bodies will adjust . Try to keep hope cause it will sort it’s self out one day and you’ll feel much better . Hugs to you from another menopausal lady with the same symptoms . 

    Best wishes and hang in there ! You can do this “ we all can do this “, and will get through it . One day at a time . Keep faith :-)

  • Posted

    Hi Pamela... I am the same with the stomach and bowel and much more... I know how you feel as you struggle to cope... I guess the only reassurance I can give you is that it gets easier.. Get on magnesium and good pro biotic... It's rollbar coaster but it gets easier...kerp checking in here for support... Ck

  • Posted

    Thank you so much to each and every one of you for your kind words and suggestions I will try them, I'm taking it one day at a time and yes one day closer to menopause ugh I hope soon I get there

  • Posted

    Pamela, you are absolutely not alone! I’m having extreme anxiety, digestive issues (sluggish is a great description) BP and heart rate anomalies too. Occasional hot flushes - red face too! Body aches and back pain. I am 18 months post-meno.  I see a cardiologist, gastroenterologist and therapist (for the panic attacks) all of which are new things since symptoms of peri started about 3 years ago. And yes, the worry it brings about our health just adds to the anxiety. Reading accounts here is SO helpful. Safety in numbers I guess. Only my therapist is willing to connect the dots and agree that all of this is likely meno. I suspect that’s because there’s money to be made in recommending tests and meds. Try meditation and gentle stretching daily. Add a fiber supplement - that has been a huge help for me! Remove yourself from stressful situations when you can. We’re here for you! 

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