Just diagnosed with Epididymitis
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So I went in to the doctor because I thought I had something wrong with my prostate or bladder and it turns out after doing an ultrasound on my testicles, the left was has epididymitis. I'm deathly allergic to Amoxicillin, so they are having me come in Monday for an injection and then I have to take 2- 500mg tablets(I don't remember what they said I will be taking). I've been noticing when I pee that it burns all the way down my urethra slightly and there is always a slight burning feeling below my scrotum. When I ejaculate, it's like my load size has been reduced. Will treating this help me produce more semen again?
Also, 5 years ago I had a partner who had Chlamydia and I didn't find out until after. I ended up having a milky discharge along with burning when I pee/ejaculated, but I never tested positive for a STD. This has come back several times over the past few years and they kept treating it with Doxycyline, which would make it go away, but then a year or so later, it would be back. I'm scared that they didn't catch me have epididymitis in time and it might be chronic now? The doctors originally told me I kept getting Urethritis, but now I'm wondering if it wasn't that this whole time. Do I have anything to worry about? The nurse told me that if it comes back again, I will have to go see a Urologist.
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left one*** sorry for the typo
Howard31850 peachy90
You are in for a rough time for a while. You should get an appointment with a urologist who specializes in testicular pain. This is very important as most general urologists do not know much about epididimytis.
Also ask for an antibiotic called Keflex (Cephalexin) as this drug was developed specifically for this problem.
You might also ask for a scrotal nerve block injection to help with the pain. I am getting my first one next week and hope it helps me.
This is a chronic disease. Putting ice over the testicle will help.
Good luck
peachy90 Howard31850
thank you so much for the reply! I will mention that medication when I go in. I don't know what type of shot they are giving me, but they gave me 2- 500mg azithromycin tablets to take afterwards. good luck with yours! that nerve shot sounds like it would be helpful! I feel like I'm falling apart at 28 already lol :p
Howard31850 peachy90
You are welcomed. You are correct that you will fall apart if you do not get a handle on this problem.
Also check for a varicocele as it sometimes has the same symptoms. Varicoceles are easily diagnosed with a scrotal ultrasound that includes color doppler. Insist on getting this diagnosed as it is easily fixed.
You must insist on a doctor that specializes in scrotal pain. The ultimate remedy is to have the testicle removed which is not as bad as it seems as the other testicle makes up for sperm production and they put in a fake one that looks and feels like the real thing. But you MUST get the epididimytis fixe otherwise you will be on a antibiotics and pain killers all the time. Good luck.
john80670 peachy90
Doctors keep telling me i have Epididymitis have done for about 5 years but never give me anything until now they give me tablets because it's got worse and just read the infection can spread.
Howard31850 john80670
Ask your doctors for Cephalexin which is designed for treating epdidimytis. Also ask them for a "scrotal nerve block" injection which might also help with the referred nerve pain. Good luck.
jeremy67208 john80670
You had the infection 5 years before the doctor gave you antibiotics?
I don't have my sheet with me from my doctor visit, but they gave me an injection in each butt cheek of something that starts with a G and then I had to take 2- 500mg Azithromycin pills. My doctor wasn't even present for me to ask her about the other stuff recommended so I'm hoping for the best right now. I had that done on 1/14/19 and it's now 1/16/19 and I don't feel any pain and it feels normal to pee/ejaculate again. I think I might ask them to do another ultrasound in a few months and if it's still present, I'll mention the other treatments mentioned!
niall94924 peachy90
I have had dull pain and discomfort of my left testicle since March this year. I haven't had any sexual contact since 2014. Anyway I went to my GP who requested I get an ultrasound, blood test and urine test done. I had 2 seperate courses of antibiotics. Results of the 3 tests came back all clear. Saw Urologist last week who examined me and read my medical file from my GP and diagnosed that I have Epididymitis. My GP prescribed Amitriptyline which has taken the edge off the discomfort and pain. I also take solphadine as when necessary if the Epididymitis flares up.
Can anyone give me some other tips on coping with this condition?
seanroldon31578 niall94924
How are you feeling now?
Darerun peachy90
I am on the 8th day of taking antibiotics. The lump in my testicle got smaller and smaller and it doesn't hurt so much now. All you have to do is bed rest. The only reason you stand up is to pee or poop.