Just had Botox for my fissure
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Has anyone had Botox injections for anal fissures? Just had procedure today. When should I start feeling relief? I'm in PAIN and am so tired of it! Been dealing with this for almost a year. Help!
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edmund15166 Lmd614
Lmd614 edmund15166
edmund15166 Lmd614
roger93955 Lmd614
I am sure you will get there eventually!
Lmd614 roger93955
BC1986 Lmd614
Lmd614 BC1986
Wow, great for you! I guess that's what i thought would happen for me. Today is actually better. Pain is managable with no pain meds (just 800 Ibuprofen). Hoping each day gets better. Good luck!
roger93955 Lmd614
edmund15166 roger93955
roger93955 edmund15166
Leakage and flatulence are the downside of Botox. However they aren't permanent and hopefully the relaxed sphyncter will help healing. Best of luck.
edmund15166 roger93955
roger93955 edmund15166
edmund15166 roger93955
Lmd614 edmund15166
So you've had the surgery? How long ago? Are you pain free? I have been warned against the surgery as it would cause leakage. I haven't had that experience with the Botox so far so my guess is I won't at this point.
How are you with pain now...after surgery?
edmund15166 Lmd614
roger93955 edmund15166
I am six weeks after my second botox and think there is some improvement. However I still have discomfort an hour after BM and take Ibuprofen to quieten it. It has caused embarrassing flatulence and a small amoubnt of leakage.
I live in hope that the fissure is healing.
My advice for what its worth is to ask any surgeon exactly what he is doing; what effects it should have; and what sytmptons can you expect. Also get some prediction regarding healing of the fissure.
edmund15166 roger93955
Lmd614 edmund15166
Sorry! This is the reason why my doc does not want me to have the surgery. Says that leakage is in my future if I do due to my age...54. So if Botox doesn't do the trick, I need to decide whether or not to live the rest of my life in constant pain or deal with leakage. Great choices.
edmund15166 roger93955
edmund15166 roger93955
Benny78 roger93955
I had Botox beginning of June. Was in extreme pain for 3 weeks after - the Botox seemed to irritate my sentinel pile so was worse pain than before the procedure. Started to get better very gradually. Thought I was on road to recovery then had a hard bm yesterday with a lot of blood. Hoping this won't be too bad of a set back.
Doctor suggests if fissure doesn't completely heal I could do Botox again but he doesn't seem too hopeful - more like "well it won't hurt." Except the first round set me back $1300 US. My doc says people tend to be much happier after the surgery.
I take Miralax and Metamucil every night. I eat fiber one every morning. Use Diltiazem/Nifedipine ointment 3x a day. Take muscle relaxer at night. Take Advil as needed. Sit on heating pad all day at work. This all started beginning of April.
What was your experience with repeating the Botox? Do you recommend it?
jennifer_09911 roger93955
Hello Roger
Don't know whether you're still on the Forum but wondering whether your fissure did on fact heal after the second lot of botox
I am 4 weeks post my first botox and am despairing of things improving before the effects of the injection wear off
How long after the first injections did you have the second set?
I really hope things improved for you ....if they did how long did the healing take ?
Many thanks
jennifer_09911 roger93955
Hello Roger
Don't know whether you are still on the Forum and what your experience of botox was ultimately
I am 4.5 weeks post first botox for chronic fissure and so far the terrible spasms have gone but the pain post bm is still extreme and lasting hours
Did you heal after one set.of injections ?
How long did it take ?
Hope you are now for and well
cara74133 Lmd614
cara74133 edmund15166
Uk_london roger93955
hi roger I presume you had the botox . can you kindly advise if you were fully healed with them