Just like our mothers before us,
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Ok, today I'm going to look at the positives of going through peri and then into menopause !
A reply recently here to something I wrote had a ripple effect and has stayed with me ..'You probably look and are gorgeous ' when I was feeling not quite that I think I took confidence and reassurance from those words and hear them sounding in my head when I'm out and about ,and I make a much bigger effort taking care of my body and appearance.
A bonus of going through peri for me has been taking stock of my health and having all those health checks, reaping the benefits of supliments.
My teenagers are eating healthier! They are learning too, I need to be a good example of how to age gracefully.
I have been affirmed coming to this site and learning through you all -thank you for your sharing and wisdom.
Someday I will wake up more like my old self,like walking out of a thick fog into a bright clearing ,senses alert really living in the moment .
I'm starting to look forward to that
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julie7525 Fairywren
Fairywren julie7525
Presenting..the new and improved Julie and Fairywren..!That's a good way of looking at it though Julie, there must be a heap of wisdom gained through all this if we can just ride it out ok.Everything was such a big drama in the 20's and 30's ,I don't miss that.I'm looking around me every time I'm shopping etc and noticing older women ,trying to find my role models because they know all about it.Real people, real women.
Guest Fairywren
Awesome Fairywren....there ARE positives, maybe we are like butterflies coming out of our cocoons 🤗 into a new wiser version of ourselves. And we may feel like crap a lot of the time but there's plenty that could be worse. The sun is shining today and I'm putting on my gardening gear and I'm out there getting joy from nature!
liz67338 Fairywren