Just looking for some reassurance that nothing medically is wrong

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I’m 25, a mother of two babies and recently filed for divorce. I’ve had an awful chronic headache that makes me feel like I’m in a fog and super lightheaded constantly. I feel so weak and tired all the time.. I’m not motivated to do hardly anything. I’m always nauseated and I feel short of breath often. I also started birth control (pill) about two weeks ago and I stopped taking it thinking it may be contributing to this horrible anxiety and other symptoms going on with me. I have a RX for Zoloft I may start taking again but I’m scared to since I’m always stopping and starting it. I feel like something is wrong with me medically like a brain tumor or something and also have this horrible irrational fear of being septic because of a Uti I had two weeks ago. I was doing so good up until now and I just want to be feel better. 😦

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2 Replies

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    Stress and anxiety causes all kinds of problems. If taking medication even long term helps then so be it. IMO, if it helps it is worth it. If i have to take zoloft and clonezepam the rest of my life to feel normal i certainly will. Quality of life is much more important. my heart is with you

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