Just need a moan
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Sorry guys, I know you are all struggling with the pain and other things that goes along with FM but I just need to moan. I feel totally crappy today, the pain in my hands, wrists, hips, knees and back is almost unbearable today. I'm so tired I can barely keep my eyes open. I've arranged to go to friends tonight to try to keep my spirits up and gave something to look forward to but at this moment in time I can't think of anything worse. I just want to curl up under my duvet and sleep. Think I may go for a nap this afternoon to see if I can recharge just a little so I can go and see friends for at least an hour or so. They are really supportive and I know they'll u detest and if I don't stay long.
im so sick of feeling like this, I don't want to have to live like a hermit with too much pain and no energy to do the things I enjoy. It's making me miserable
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brenda59210 CrazyDaisy88
Can you identify anything that might be connected to your feeling worse and I mean anything that you have eaten, or come into contact with. Is there ever a sudden change, as though your body might be trying to fight back but it doesn't last? I am desperately trying to find some link between the worst and the less bad times.
Something must cause people with fibromyalgia to vary in their levels of pain, that is if they do vary. Mine certainly do and I am definitely at my worst in the house.
I'll add to my list anything that anybody notices, even if the condition is caused by something else it would be interesting to find out if people do feel better or worse in different places.
Wishing you all the best
louise91796 CrazyDaisy88
Flowerlady CrazyDaisy88
Hope you feel better later on.And enjoy your evening..
regards Anne..
JulieBadger CrazyDaisy88
Could you reschedule meeting up with at least one of your friend soon during the daytime? I know I am much worse going into the evening.
Time to relax and try to put to the back of your mind right now the going out. think about it later once you might of found some more energy.
Best wishes xxxx
ianstokes66 CrazyDaisy88
Brenda, I can't pinpoint anything that could have brought on the surge in pain that I'm feeling, as far as I know I haven't done anything differently. However my brain fog is also getting worse so, who knows?
i managed a small nap earlier so I'm going to visit a friend. My hubby is going to drop me off and pick me up and I have explained to my friend that I not feeling rilliant so if I have to leave early, it's because I really do have to go home to bed.
im sure I'll enjoy getting out to see her and I can always try for a lie in tomorrow!
mike1959 CrazyDaisy88
I know this may sound crazy but I find the weather and the phase of the moon can upset my pain levels, so may helpful to keep a Pian diary... Also sauger is bad for increased pain levels.! I found this out at a pain management course I attend some time ago, so stay well away from all confectionery (yes that means chocolate, and alcohol is full of sauger too), sorry..
I also stopped drinking coffee and found taking a nap/rest after lunch can be very beneficial with fatigue, especially if I need to go out later that night...
I'd recommend taking a pain management course to anyone with Fibro as it really helped me to understand pain much better and to find good coping skills, as I'm now almost able to live an a pain free lifestyle..
All the very best of health Daisy, but try to manage your illness and not let your illness manage you..