Just need someone to listen and advise
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Hi Ladies,
I came across this forum when I was desperately trying to find out how I can get to talk to a human female about post menopause as I have given up trying to talk to my GP surgery about this.
I am 50 years old, all I can tell you is that 3 years ago after no periods for 3 months I had to fight to get anyone to test my hormone levels for the menopause. One female GP told me that having my bloods tested would be a waste of resource as I was too young to be going through it and even if I was "just get on with it, every woman goes through it". 6 months later (no period for 9 months and no baby) I asked to speak to my old GP who immediately sent me for a blood test and called me with the results ... yep he told me that I was going through it and that I should be through it in a matter of months. He offered me HRT but as I had not suffered any bad symptoms I declined it.
Since then my joints have ached more and more, my feet hurt in the morning for a couple of minutes and I can't control my weight gain. I saw another GP who suggested that I "lose weight and stop carrying heavy items". I sit at a desk all day and the heaviest thing I carry is my handbag.
I recently went to see another GP as I woke up with the fingers of my left hand curled into my palm and I couldn't open them without a struggle, he has sent me for blood tests for Arthritis. When I asked to speak to him about a different matter i.e. HRT etc. he said "only if it's quick". I left.
So my question is this .... Where can I find a human female health professional that doesn't expect me to know everything, doesn't want to rush me out the door but who I can sit down with a talk to. I have no idea if any of my symptoms (some I haven't mentioned here) are due to age or menopause or if HRT will be a help or a hindrance, my body is changing and I need to undersatnd what is going on and how I can manage it and get a better quality of life.
Any advise would be useful.
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suzyjar ChizBitz
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terri16632 ChizBitz
TropicalVon69 ChizBitz
ChizBitz TropicalVon69
terri16632 ChizBitz
Guest ChizBitz
Am realising its up to me to research and find what helps...this forum is great for that. I do go and get tests when necessary though...esp for palpitations and other symptoms just to rule out more serious issues. Otherwise unless we find that great doctor we are on our own it seems.