Just needing to know I am not alone today
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I feel like a 44 y/o good for nothing most days....and it can be so depressing when I start thinking I'm too young to feel this way! Y'all are my support system. Thank God I have y'all to vent to. I just have no motivation. I think about redecorating a room and then I don't feel like it. I think of lots of stuff I could do, but no I think I will just sit here and watch tv....and watch my life go by. I go to cbt, but I don't feel like I really progress out of my rut. I just keep repeating the same behaviors. Sorry, I just needing to vent and have someone to talk to! Thanks for listening sweet ladies!
2 likes, 32 replies
christine70191 2chr2015
I could be writing your post. I cabbage out all day, beating myself up for not doing anything but unable to do anything about it. Let's just hope one day we look back on this and laugh. You are not alone.
2chr2015 christine70191
christine70191 2chr2015
Hi I'm 54 don't work and still have a son at home. My husband works away and only comes home every other weekend so I have to keep trying but it is soooo hard. I used to work full time, managed to bring my son up virtually single handed, exercised & studied and now....... Takes all my energy to put one foot in front of the other. No social life, no exercise, no major house maintenance, nothing. It is so depressing.
2chr2015 christine70191
Thanks for letting me know I am not alone today. Ugh. It must be hard with your husbands work schedule like that. Do you think you will ever go back to work? And did you stop bc of all this stuff or other reasons? I try to go to a bible study once a week. I am always glad that I made myself go bc it is good to get around some positive energy. No one there seems to feel like I do, but I'm sure there is at least one. Right?
cleo41716 2chr2015
Hi...same here!!! I could have written your post..its 3 years for me so far..can anyone tell us PLEASE when does this end...??? No motivation whatsoever I was NEVER a couch potato and now all I want to do is lie on my bed and surf the net or go on facebook...not even interested in watching tv..
.Ive totally stopped exercisong and of course have put on pounds..I feel useless and depressed....there are soooo many things I have to do but i dont feel like it!!!! HELP!!!! I WANT THIS TO GO AWAY!!!!

2chr2015 cleo41716
Cleo. Thank you for responding. I am running out of things to watch tv and since I don't do Facebook...sometimes I browse Pinterest. The fam is the only thing that keeps me moving. Laundry etc. thank God for that, or I might not get up. I truly believe staying active keeps us healthy, so that just makes it worse that I don't feel like doing anything. I do have to force myself though. I too used to always be working in my flower beds, or shopping for things to make my house look nice. When how does the hormones settling bring all that back. Please tell me that comes back!
cleo41716 2chr2015
I truly dont know how hormones can do this to us..at least we know that others experienc e this..and we"re not alone!! Oh god yes I hope we get our motivation back...just when you you think youve got a break in life with kids all grown up amd out of the nest..MENOPAUSE HITS!!!!
carmen_22574 cleo41716
2chr2015 cleo41716
Thank you for responding Cleo. It really does help to know we are not alone. I still have 1 at home. Probably helps more than I realize.
My GP doesn't have a clue about this stuff.
cleo41716 carmen_22574
I was actually thinking about a treadmill as well....if its in the house I know I " ll exercise 😁 as much as I can... cause energy levels have fallen.....
cleo41716 2chr2015
Dont worry Chr!!! No Gp or Gyno has a clue about this....its as if it doesnt exist and we"re all crazy....making things up..... A shame really at this day and age!!!... Hope it gets better for all of us soon....
2chr2015 cleo41716
Thank you Cleo. I absolutely dread going the doctors bc they tell me I am fine...I bet there would be one rich doctor in town if they advertised understanding meno!😀
colleen90305 cleo41716
I feel the exact same way!
carmen_22574 2chr2015
Hang in there. I'm 47 and i feel the same way. Think positive and keep it moving. I'm not giving up and neither should you. Praying for you.
2chr2015 carmen_22574
carmen_22574 2chr2015
You're welcome and i feel the same way most days. I will feel good and bad in the same day. But i keep pushing. I know there's a light at the end of the tunnel. Funny how you think its just hot flashes, night sweats and skipped periods. It is definitely a lot more than that. HORMONES are crazy. More drs need to study this so women know. I have told a lot of my friends what they might have to look forward too. I hope they don't get it as bad as i've had it. We got this