Just sharing :(
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I don't even know for sure I am in peri. I certainly hope that is what it is.
I woke up this morning with an awful pain in my lower belly. Had to go to the bathroom. Started sweating like crazy- cold sweat, nausea OMG. It has happened before. In about 40 min I felt better but the weird feelings in my arm and leg still there. All those crazy symptoms make me feel like I am very sick. I get pain in my eyes too. The back of my eyes. I fight my health anxiety but it is hard. I have been to doctors but explaining all the symptoms makes them think I am crazy. I can't keep up with what specialist to see. Should it be Gyno, GI, ENDO, Neuro, or may be psych doc! I am 35 and feel like I am about to die. I have negative libido and am sleepy always. I don't know what to do any more. I am trying to be a good mom and push myself as much as I can. I am taking some vitamins but not sure if they do much. I just needed to share. Hope that it is peri and hope that I will have myself back at some point.
I am sorry for the pointless and grammatically bad post. It showes how I feel.
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kim74983 notsure47790
sorry to hear your going thru this already
i am 42 and my worst symtpoms started this year. i know exactly how u feel. i also have health anxiety and have seen every specialist and when results normal i think they missed something and want to go back for recheck! yhats how bad i feel.
i wake up everyday with stomach pain. i aslo have gastritis, which is flared due to high anxiety due to peri symptoms and IBS. do you feel better after a bowel movement? sometimes i feel like i have labor pains until i use bathroom. its horrible pain. sometimes the pain lasts cause im constipated. its no fun
i hope you start feeling better. maybe you should see your OB and have them check for peri? uour young and maybe able to go on hormones. i started 3 weeks ago and my brain fog lifted and panic attacks as if i was going crazy stopped. but i also take a half of .25 mg xanax 2xs a day for my anxiety. i dont like to take but right now i really need help.
notsure47790 kim74983
I am seing my Gyno next week. I do feel better once I go to the bathroom but it takes time. I also feel very cold sometimes. My hands, arms and legs feel weak and tingling almost numb and a hot shower helps so much. I am going crazy with self-diagnosed illnesses.
I may start birth control or HRT. I am nit sure. I will talk to my doc again
I started to experience symptoms a year ago but were bareable. I am now falling appart. My hair is falling, skin is dry and ugly and I always bloated. Pfff. I wonder why my doctor refuses to test my hormones. Maybe if I know for sure it is peri I will not be that crazy with MS, Cancer and so on.
kim74983 notsure47790
i feel like im talking to myself
i feel the same. my dr said i was too uoung for meno. i said please test me. its only bloodwork. he did along with other tests and sure enough it came back as peri
angie1970 kim74983
Hi,kim I'm having hot flashes all night over and felt physically sick this morning with them,ive not had a period now for 37days,feeling really down,im 46 and can't decide on taking hrt,tried everything else nothing seems to work,im currently taking black chose,just want to feel normal again,any advice would be much appreciated.
kim74983 notsure47790
Guest notsure47790
notsure47790 Guest
I take B6, Magnesium, Grape seed extract and D3 vit. I accept advices gladly
Kris1012 notsure47790
I hear you! ! I'm 43 yrs old and been having all sorts of symptoms. Back in April saw neurology for headaches .he said was premenstrual symptoms. I feel as though going crazy too. Never now what symptom may deal with everyday something new. My headaches are back now have blurred vision. Also have numbness in right leg,tingling ,burning, heavyness.
So glad found this website!
notsure47790 Kris1012
I want to hug u all.
I was at the neurologist for the numb, tingling, high sensitivity, dizziness problems. The doctor was nice but as the others didn't think it was very possible to be peri because of my age. I get crazy when random body parts start feeling numb and weird. The neuro said she does not see evidance of nerve damage but than with my health anxiety I am not so fast to dismiss.
Also around the time I am going to get a period I get tight chest and short of breath. Now I am just after a period but all of these plus numbness and tingling, i feel cold... you name it, I have it. OMG!
hugs and sorry for my babbaling! I am so happy to have found u all!
MoonLeaf notsure47790
I just can't believe that -- as women -- we do the most, are responsible for the most, and yet we walk around feeling the worst. I don't care if you have to be on BHRT for the rest of your life ... IF IT HELPS? Why NOT feel well, if it's possible? I would see a Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Specialist. I would start there. You're not crazy. You're not mental. You're hormonal! Follow your intuition. See who you want, but don't give up. You should NOT feel ill like this. Good luck to you.
;-) ...
unico31026 notsure47790
No need to be sorry we all share and feel your pain! I am a 41 yr old that didn't realize that I was in Peri until almost a year ago . I have your symptoms and my eye sight actually gets really sharp (which is funny for a legally blind person if I don't have my glasses on) but I've been to my obgyn and a psychiatrist because of the anxieties that this has caused . I am on a mild sedative from the psychiatrist that keeps the anxieties down and 2000 milligrams of vitamin D for the tiredness and it also helps with the aches,pains and the thinning that I used to have in my hair. Please be careful because in Peri you are more likely to have more kids! I now have a 5 and 2 yrs old due to Peri !
dee53012 unico31026
also the vitamine D helps with tiredness? what else do you know? I want to know!