Just started Benefiber, but going from Chronic constipation to Marbles/Pellets all day..ugh..
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I think I would rather be bound up! I was going from 1-2 times a week. Then started Benefiber, stopped eating cookies, pastries, soda, red meat, chocolate, even Pizza. Eating more Fiber, and drinking alot more water. Now I am going all day and night. When I do go, it's 1-2 pellets/marbles, if I'm lucky maybe 5 pellets. Sorry for TMI. I just want a normal stool/ bowel movement once a day instead of all these broken up pieces. This morning I was lucky to have about 20 marbles after much straining. I can't afford a colonoscopy right now, due to trying to keep other medical bills out of collections. Even after I drink a glass of water, I feel discomfort and pass 1-2 pellets. Does anyone else have this problem? So tired of broken up pieces. 😞
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Jelly_bean josephine90941
Hi Josephine,
Its good you are doing the fiber and changing your diet some and drinking more water but at this point you need some help. Get a natural laxative and stool softner from the health store and start taking until you get cleaned out. Very important that you add raw fruit and veggies to your diet every day. At bedtime eat 3-4 dried prunes every day (buy at healthstore) Do not drink prune juice. Eat large salad every day. If you have a little money find a naturopath who does colonic irrigations, not expensive and that's what I did to get straightened out. I had this problem when I was young and ate so badly so I found these remedies to totally correct my constipation. God speed.
josephine90941 Jelly_bean
Thanks for replying. Actually I was keeping myself pretty cleaned out with the chronic constipation by taking Senna-Lax. I tried not to take it too much because I don't want to get a "lazy colon" due to too much laxative use. I have seen my friends do this, and they can no longer go to the bathroom by themselves because of constant use of stool softeners and laxatives. But when I felt myself getting backed up, I would take 2 Senna tablets at night about once every two weeks. Definately cleaned me out, cramps and everything. Unfortunately, prunes and saw veggies and salads go right through me and give me horrible cramping and diarrhea. Thank you for the suggestions. ?
josephine90941 Jelly_bean
I forgot to add, that I'm eating raisins and grapes, strawberries, brown rice and oatmeal. Yesterday, did not get so many broken peices, more formed stools, but still had to keep going all day. This morning, same thing. I have already gone 5 times this morning, and still have bloating and fullness. Like I have to go again, and I have a doctor's appointment to get to. I recently got off painkillers about 8 months ago after 4 years of being on them. Just went off of them cold turkey. Maybe my digestive system is still recovering from not having the opiate binding. This is no way to live.
Jelly_bean josephine90941
. Definitely opiates caused this. Good for you getting off. Do like I told you with the natural laxative. You've got backed up fecal matter from months ago. Get it out with natural laxative first. Then get dried prunes. Raisins and grapes won't take care of your problem. It's at a critical stage. Your body needs help. Prunes are the only fruit that kept me regular. Dont forget big salad everyday. But first gey laxative
josephine90941 Jelly_bean
The Senna was a natural laxative. I would go all day, until I was going water, I took the Senna even when I was on the opiates. Senna is a plant based laxative. I don't want to take laxatives, my Gastroenterologist, told me not to do this on a regular basis. He also told me not to do Colonic cleansers or irrigation. He said he has seen to many ulcerative colons from dangerous colonic irrigation. He told me to leave the poor thing alone, and I was not backed up. I am going so many times a day that I am cleaning myself out, so something is working. Prunes don't work for me, but strawverries, raisins, grapes, brown rice, oatmeal and other fiber do. I don't trust naturopathic or homeopathic remedies, because they are not bowel or rectal specialists. Hopefully, in the next few months, I can get a colonoscopy done.