Just started citalopram for severe anxiety and panic, need positive feedback

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Day 3 of taking 10mg citalopram for severe anxiety and panic, I'm scared all the time, racing thoughts of what ifs. Haven't slept more than 2-3 hrs a night the past 3 nights. I have been reading non stop on this site for 3 days looking for hope and trying to cope one hour one day at a time. I'm a mom to 5 kids and my husband has been my rock, severe anxiety and panic hit me last weekend after a bad reaction to a migraine IV cocktail in emergency hospital. I have been on citalopram before for postpartum, but i don't remember any symptoms other than being extremely tired. Day 3 and anxious, insomnia, feeling fearful that I will always be like this, exhausted, inner restlessness, sweating, feeling hopeless. please only positive feedback.

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10 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Nelle. I can understand what you are going through and firstly hope you are okay.

    I took Citalopram in 2o13 for anxiety and worked like a dream. Slept great, took anxiety away and it got me out of a hole and only used them six months

    This January I went back on 20mg for depression and I had the most serious side effects. My anxiety was off the scale.

    I came off them after five weeks and stopped altogether as the side effects were horrendous. So maybe just keep an eye on the side effects if they are not improving as they might not work for you again second time around and I have seen others suggest that can happen on this too hopefully they will settle down though.

    Hope they work soon

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      Did you find what worked for you? Day 5 and hoping the citalopram works again, going to give it a full 4 weeks if I can and go from there.

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      No I gave up the tablets and almost went cold turkey as the side effects were horrendous, I decided not to take anything so have been off them for two and a half weeks and haven't had any withdrawal symptoms whatsoever. Started to sleep again and running every day, but everyone is different and everyone reacts differently. So i don't think there are any hard and fast rules.

      I think you're right, four weeks is probably the max to assess where you are with them but I would say if the side effects get worse with you, make a decision early and try something else. Hope it goes well for you

    • Posted

      The severe anxiety I had came from the side effects of tablets as didn't have it before I took them. I took them for depression only. Somehow the anxiety went through the roof with attacks, as soon as I stopped the tablets the anxiety stopped.

  • Edited

    Hi Nelle,

    I hope you are managing ok,

    I have been on citalopram for years now on and off. Im currently on week 9 of 20mg.

    I can tell you I am getting better, it is just taking a while, but if I look back there have been improvements for sure. My anxiety increased for the first 3 or 4 weeks and although still present it is a lot more manageable, my mind is not going a million miles an hour and intrusive thoughts have calmed down. I have read that it is quite common for your anxiety to increase initially with these meds and over time it will all balance out. There are some wonderful people on this forum who are so supportive, please give the meds time to work their Magic! My sister felt recovered after 6 weeks, however it always appears to be a longer journey for me, we are all so different!

    Im a mum to two kids and I know how stressful it can be, rally in the support if you can and try to get as much help as you need over the first month or two. I have always had terrible initial side effects with these meds but over time they disappear for me

    • Posted

      Thank you, one day at a time. Hearing the good outcomes gives me hope

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    i have been on citalopram for around 5 months now and would say i m finally feeling better!!! the first 8-10 weeks i was very up and down......but after that it started to settle and things got better!

    i would nt expect to better after 4 weeks, you might be, but my worst time was week 5 and 6........ but i stuck it out and so pleased i did!!!

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    Hang in there Nelle.

    I started 20mg Citalopram for a 2nd time and felt like the side effects were worse than the first time. What you're going through is pretty normal.

    In the first 2 to 3 weeks, I experienced what you're describing, increased anxiety, trouble sleeping, fearful of little thing and outcome racing thoughts that I'd never get better and this was me forever. The heightened anxiety improved after the 2nd week, by 3 months the side effects had lessened, anxiety was more mild, life was more manageable and by 5 and 1/2 months the anxiety was gone and my brain and thinking was back to normal.

    Start exercising as soon as you can, you won't feel like it, but it will really help. 30 minute jog twice a week, or fast walk 30 mins 4 times a week can make so much difference.

    You'll get there, citalopram worked for you before, it'll work again.

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    Hi Nelle, its still early days, it can increase anxiety for first few weeks before taking full effect. Have a read of the patient leaflet that comes with it, it will be on there. You need to give your system time to adjust and settle. If you can find ways to relax and try and take each day as it comes. These meds can affect people differently and have helped many people. Hang in there.

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