Just started sertraline

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Hi all,

i went to the doctor yesterday as i had been seriously thinking about suicide. I posted on here yesterday with how i was feeling. Anyways i wrote everything down how i felt and other symptoms ive had and the doctor gave me sertraline because he said i was depressed, i am supposed to take one 50mg tablet a day, and im to slowly come off of my propranolol. 

I took the first one at about eight last night, 

after i couple of hours i started to feel quite sick, i dont know what im expecting i know it wont work for a week or so but i just want some releif to make me feel human again i need a break. It has made my sleep worse, everytime i fall asleep i will wake up about fifteen minutes later even more depressed and panicked, i have been awake since three this morning and i can barely get the courage to leave my bed even though i desperatly want to be back at work and enjoying life. My gut is making some god awful noises and sensations, it feels like hunger, like im starving but if i even think about food i freak out. And seeing as ive only taken one pill its not even had time to have worse side effects im so frightened of this, lots of people say they have had way worse depression and panic attacks from this.. I just want it to vanish. I just dont know what to do.

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15 Replies

  • Posted

    First thing to do Vicky is not to focus on what other people have said, or the possible side effects that might come along, cause all it will do is make you feel more panicked and scared everytime you feel a different sensation you're not used to. I'm on my 3rd day of sertraline and I find that I'm getting overwhelmed very easily. So what i've been doing is sitting alone and doing something that calms me down like listening to music for half an hour, and then pushing myself to do something productive or social after that half an hour. As for the eating, I understand what you mean. I've been sick every day after eating, but it is way better to throw up food than throw up your stomach lining hun. 

    Also, you can split the tablet in half, and take 25mg, I've heard that really helps lessen the side effects, hopefully to a point that you find bearable so you can get back on the saddle

    Stay positive, please tell me how it's going after tomorrow. x

  • Posted

    Hi Vicky, so sorry to hear what you're going through.. I'm on day 9 so still not better although I have been in your position so I can hopefully help you in some way. I always took mine in the morning, my doctor said it was best to as it would interrupt sleep less. When I took my first pill I quickly felt horrendous. Incredibly nauseaus, severe headache, just not myself. I woke up throughout the night feeling like I was going to throw up every night but never did. I now significantly less nauseaous but still do get waves of it occasionally. I still wake up at least once a night so I'm always tired throughout the day. I had a very good day on day 6 where I was full of energy and it was amazing. This carried on into day 7 as well, however the last 2 days have been not so great again. Not as bad as the first few days but still unpleasant. The sertraline journey is going to be full of ups and downs until our body gets used to it. It may take several weeks to feel much better but you will see a few good days. 

    One thing I am still struggling with is going out in public. I'm finding I can't be in busy or enclosed places but hopefully as the sertraline kicks in this will improve. Yes, the initial side effects are horrendous and you feel like giving up- trust me I was there last week, but whatever you do, DON'T give it up. It gets worse before it gets better. My dad and best friend are also on sertraline and they say exactly the same thing. Just remember we are all here for you- this is such a useful forum. If you can face it, try to go for a little walk. Even if its just to the end of your road. I sometimes can't face it so I just read a book in the garden just for some fresh air. It does help. xx

  • Posted

    Hi vicky

    just a few thoughts from a pharmacist (& with experience of taking a similar antidepressant)....

    take it in the morning with breakfast

    you will feel worse before you feel better

    expect some side effects to start with, but they will go

    stomach side effects are very common (nausea, diarrhoea)

    remember feeling sick is a sign of anxiety and depression anyway

    it will be worth sticking with it!

    some ppl see improvement in two weeks.

    if no improvement in 4 wk, see doctor 

    your doctor should be checking on your response to sertraline every 2 weeks for the first three months anyway, so opportunity to talk to him/her about side effects then.

    you can indeed start on 25mg daily then increase to 50mg in say 7 days

    why stopping propranolol just out of interest? 

    Hope this helps, hope you get on ok. You can always pop in and ask a pharmacist at any time if you have any query on your medicines. 


    • Posted

      Hi. I'm coming off the propranolol because my dose got increased two weeks ago when i had my last episode of anxiety from 10mg x3 a day to 20mg x3. I had been taking the smaller dose for about a year and it worked great first time around but i just feel it lost its effect.

      I felt Ok yesterday ive i got out the house and went for a walk but i came back from the doctors and popped in to see my friend i was only there ten minutes when all of a sudden a rush came over me and i just had to go at that second. I think it was just my panic but it felt totally different ive never had to do that before i can normally sit through my anxieties. So I've stepped right back again....

    • Posted

      You will get these knock backs. I had a rush of anxiety in the doctors waiting room so had to leave. Don't let them dishearten you. You will get better if you stick with it. I know it's difficult x
    • Posted

      Thank you. I had one a couple of weeks ago in the doctors office but managed to sit it out until i went, id gone for a review of my propanolol to make sure i felt ok.....its since then it has all started again. Ive had this problem for about a year now but i think it's always been there....When i was ten something similair happened but the doctor put it down to a tummy bug.....He didn't believe me when i said i was frightened of going to school. For no real reason i just didnt want to go id just freak out. I'm just about at my wits end with feeling like this.....im going these tablets work soon because i dont think i could deal with having to try about 4 or 5.....i need to feel better soon. I can't take being off work and i cant take going to work feeling like this....just stuck in a vicious circle.
    • Posted

      I agree with Weeasy, stick with it. If you can, try to get out in the fresh air before 11am for at least 20 mins every day, research shows this really lifts mood. Don't focus on the sertraline and side effects. You'll be surprised how much better you feel if you do something you enjoy - be kind to yourself. I know it's hard to get motivated but do try baby steps each day. Did your doctor suggest some CBT at all? It really helped me. Try one online called MoodGym (there are lots to choose) it's free and can be done in small manageable chunks if you prefer. 
    • Posted

      I have thought about the cbt route i will have to look in to that...

      I used to be rather talented at art but since leaving school i dont seem to do it anymore...everytime i pick up a pencil my hand shakes because i worry if im still any good or not. I'm really hoping that everything will work out...its like theres two people living inside me. Theres my rational side the real me that i want back....just swamped compelling by this big black pit of bad emotions and no hope.

    • Posted

      Yep, been there with the 'black cloud' I called it. I also surrounded myself with negativity and it was a spiral. Viscous circle. CBT broke that circle for me. I know it doesn't help everyone but there's good evidence for it, and why not try, it's free. Or you can wait and try to see a CBT therapist, but I think the wait is too long, when you need to be helped now. It made me feel like I'd clawed back some control over my life when I'd done the CBT. That's how I felt.


    • Posted

      Hi Vicky,

      I think Sarah's suggestion of the CBT is definitely worth pursuing. CBT has helped my suicidal depression in the past and currently, I am having group mindfulness therapy sessions. Have a look online and you should find some helpful information. It has helped me to take back some control over my emotions. The negative thoughts you have are very powerful but they do not represent what your future holds or the direction your life must take. You still have the power to move forward and regain your life. You just need to take it slowly and not get frustrated with yourself (or anyone else) when you feel overwhelmed. Please think about exploring your artistic gift again. It should empower and inspire you, as long as you don't weigh yourself down with expectations. I used to enjoy creative writing (e.g. poetry) but I've had writer's block for many years, thinking that I'm not good enough to write the way I used to. I'm trying to persuade myself that I am still me and my creativity may have changed but it is still there. If you promise to try, then I will too ;-)

      Take care & let us know how you are getting on.

      Big hug. Digsby xx

  • Posted

    I was just given the same thing today only 25 mg. I have not taken them yet for the same reasons. I have talked to people with horror stories of them and I am afraid of it making my situation worse. I am supposed to take it daily for my anxiety which is real bad but.,..
    • Posted

      Hi there,

      I would definatly recommend trying the sertraline, it is difficult at first but after the first couple of weeks it does get easier. After the first tablet i started splitting it to 25mg for a few days and i was a little better. I have now been taking 50mg a day for about 10 months and i have had no problems with my anxiety or depression, i had a little setback around august but it only lasted a day or two but i was still able to go to work and carry on. some people dont have side effects for very long only a few days so i would say it is well worth it for the relief i have had. Just take it easy, oh yeah i found that flat ginger beer certainly helped for the upset stomach.

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      Thanx for the info. I feel like a pin cushion with all the different shit they have had me try. I know I need something but.,...I'm really trippin over this one.
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      I've been on them for three days and have started a discussion. The side effects for me are bearable but it is early days. 
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      I think today I may try them. I'm nervous though.

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