Just taken 100mg sertraline, need help!
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I have been diagnosed with anxiety and depression for a while, in July I was put on sertraline, started at 50mg then went up to 100mg, anyway I felt really good for a time so I came off them cold turkey, but have been very depressed lately and had very suicidal thoughts so decided to go back on them with the ones I had left, and I think I've taken too much even though I've been on 100mg before I think its too much to start from and my entire body is shaking and my chest is beating really fast and I have a head rush and very sensitive to light, can someone help please
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louisesevi alice46631
I once went upto 100mg for 50. My body couldn't handle it I was very jittery and panicky from the extra dose. I wouldn't worry thought just ride it out and take you normal dose tomorrow. Also I wouldn't just suddenly stop taking them again you should taper your dose over a free weeks to ween off then cause you could feel as you received at the beginning of your post.
GodsServant alice46631
Hi Alice, I had done this before and experienced the same symptoms as you currently do. I had such extreme palpitations I felt I like I was having a heart attack, and my legs wouldn't stop shaking. And I do NOT recommend anyone doing this.
You have two options, either to ride it out, which is extremely hard, so I recommend the second option - which is take an Ativan or any other benzo if you have it and the next day, start again at 25mg. Then in a week or so, you can up to 50mg, and then in another week, go up to 100mg. BTW, this is very fast already.
Recently I started 50mg for a week and then up to 100mg (I always skip the 75mg dose) and the side effects were pretty bad, esp now that I'm older.
Stay strong.
MJAlps alice46631
How long were you off it? If it was long enough to have the depression come back then it's likely out if your system and you'll need to ramp up again.
weenett alice46631