Just To Get Off My Chest

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You guys this is really too much for me. This month has been like the very beginning when I first started perimenopause. Could this be the end of perimenopause?? Though, im still having periods, shorter and lighter but still coming, but don't know when??

Actually, every month has been really really tough on me. But at least before I was getting at least 1 good week, but now it's every single day.. My major complaint is my stomach, today it was burning like it was literally on fire along with the chest, back, hip and butt. The breath coming out of my mouth even felt hot. The tears from my eyes was hot! I've been feeling so awful everyday guys. Today, I've been getting pain in chest, this is a new one for me. Well in the past I've experienced this when my iron was low. The heart palpitations are too much for me, it first started periodically but it is constantly all day now. So difficult for me to eat, as soon as I eat something i get the crazy shake in stomach and heart palpitations with it. These freaking heart palpis are getting to me, I mean if I move , heart palpis , if I'm still , heart palpis, if i eat, heart palpis, etc. Think I will be seeing a cardiologist soon, all these palpitations don't seem normal to me. The tummy has burned so much today whereas if I touch it it's sensitive that I can still feel heat sensation from it.

Of course i know I have gastritis and gerd but I was beginning to keep it under control which I dont know why this? But it escaladed today for no reason at all! This feeling of not feeling well comes over me that o can't even explain.

I'm thinking something terrible is wrong with me. My husband keeps reassuring me its not and i pray to God its not. But, all kinds of thoughts goes through my head. I've cried so much today, I just want to feel well again. I didn't want to talk to no one today because it makes me depressed hearing about their day and all i can say is the same, feeling awful. Even if I try to have a good day, it starts off ok but really I have to push myself because I have no choice. But all of a sudden usually around same times feeling comes over, and OMG!!!

This is week before my period and it's been AWFUL! AWFUL! Is this really perimenopause? I mean to be torture daily non-stop. I am mentally and physically drained ladies. I feel like i dont have much left in me...it is too much torture to my mind and body.

I've tried everything you can think of, I mean everything. My friends and family can not believe that I'm still going through this on a daily basis...which p****s me off. They make it seem as if I can control it or shut it off. Don't we all wished that?

It is getting hard to drive now, my kids been noticing how I'm forgetting where I'm going, when I'm suppose to turn, even if I shut the door or did something else. They will tell me I did but I have the slightest memory of doing it or not. This really sucks you guys, like I said it is too much torturing to my mind , and body.

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13 Replies

  • Posted

    Hope I can help.... can I ask what tests you have done so far?

    I had similar issues and pains and went through a slew of tests, that included an abdominal ultrasound, chest X-ray, ct scan of abdomen and pelvis and upper gi series and blood work. All were normal.

    From reading your post, your fear and anxiety are getting the best of you. You prob are thinking you have a bad heart or some type of cancer. That's what I thought too.

    However after all those tests, everything was normal and I had to start looking at my stress and anxiety. As you start to work on they, I'm willing to bet the pain will get less.

    Continue to rule out the medical stuff and give yourself peace of mind but focus on getting the anxiety under control,

    I hope you feel better

    • Posted

      I've had a ultrasound on abdomen back in April , and again in June on abdomen and pelvis. A CT scan on abdomen and pelvis, EKG, and chest x ray in June. ( all was normal) A upper GI and colonoscopy was done back in April. I dont know if i should have another one done. She found that I have gastritis and gerd ( hiatial hernia).

      I've done a series of bloodwork, last one was done was in Aug ( only hormones) the last complete series was done the end of June. I received notification from my biodentical consultant that it's time for another one. I do believe that my anxiety is doing some, but I also think my vitamins and nutrients are deficient. On a few of the bloodwork it show iron was a bit on low side especially my iron saturation, it was an 8. The stomach makes it difficult to eat or take supplements and sometimes lack of appetite.

    • Posted


      Hi. A hostel hernia can cause alot of problems. Including problems with vitamin deficiency, and all sorts of stomach problems, because part of your hernia is in your chest cavity and part of it is being pushed up into your esophagus. Sometimes if left untreated, it can get strangulated. Are you going to have surgery on it?

    • Posted

      The gastro dr. Said it is a very small sliding hiatia hernia. Alot of people have them and aren't even aware of it she says. The thing is I dont know if it was already there before this, because problems started when perimenopause kicked in.

    • Posted

      Even a small hiatel hernia that is sliding can cause problems. My friend had one and when she had surgery all the other problems disappeared.
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      It was a while back ago..she just said she had problems and is in a nursing home at the time and still is now.
  • Posted

    All your symptoms sound like perimenopause if you are still getting periods.  Once you have had no periods for a year, you are officially in menopause.  Have a look at the menopause group on this site and you will find a lot of women going through the the same symptoms as you.  They will be able to give you lots of advice.
  • Posted

    Hi mary27278

    Do you have regular blood pressure checks...your palpa may be due to high blood pressure for which you can be medicated...and have you had all your vits and minerals checked..such as iron and B12...low iron and B12 can cause heart palps and affect your memory and energy...go to your doc and discuss these tests also you could mention HRT Hormone Replacement Therapy to help you through perimenopause ans Menopause...as your estrogen and progesterone levels will be low...best wishes.....

  • Posted

    Hi Mary,

    It seems like you have alot going on. Have you discussed this with your Doctor?

    • Posted

      The last time I saw a doc was on last week. I went to an endocrinologist and she pretty much said " I think all of this is anxiety " and gave me another prescription. I last saw my primary doctor in July , she did not touch me at all. Same thing with my primary doc, she did't seem to take me seriously, so today I'm seeing a natuoropatic doctor, a kind lady on here recommended one ....

    • Posted

      I hate it when Doctor's don't take us seriously. Very frustrating. I'm glad you are going to a naturopathic. Keep us posted.

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